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Add ClaySys App in office365

ClaySys AppForms is a provider-hosted app.

To add ClaySys AppForms in office 365 go through the below mentioned steps.

Step 1: Go to site contents of your site collection

Step 2: Click Add an App and you can find “SharePoint Store” link in the left navigation.

Step 3: Search “ClaySys” in “Find an App” search-box, and it will show the search result as mentioned below

Step 4: Here you can see our Premium and Standard App.

ClaySys AppForms Premium

ClaySys AppForms Premium need tenant admin permission.
User Profile Service is available in Premium App.

ClaySys AppForms Standard

Standard App needs only site collection administrator permission.
User Profile Service is not available in Standard App.
By selecting either of the App a user can Add ClaySys AppForms to office 365.
For an App there are 5 free user licenses available.

The general help document links are given below,

Launching Designer-appforms/documentation/getting-started/install-claysys-appforms/add-claysys-app-in-office365/

Creating a new Folder-appforms/documentation/appforms-explorer/forms-explorer/creating-a-new-folder/

Creating a new Form-appforms/documentation/appforms-explorer/forms-explorer/creating-a-new-form/

Creating a basic Form-appforms/documentation/getting-started/begin-with-appforms/create-your-basic-form-using-claysys-appforms/

For in depth learning please follow the below mentioned link-appforms/documentation/overview/