The Button control enables the user to associate certain actions that needs to be performed form when you click on it. In ClaySys AppForms the button can be used for executing actions like save, update, delete, close form or navigate to a different form, etc.
Control Name: Button
Group: Standard
General | ||| | Property name | Data type | Description |
1 | Click Action | 1. Load form – If “Load form” was being selected as a Click Action, Navigate URL property will be introduced below. On clicking Browse button of a Navigate URL will open a Navigate form window. Using this window user can select which form should be loaded when the user clicks on the Button. 2. Clear – If “Clear” was being selected as a Click Action, when user clicks on the button will clear the value of all the controls. 3. Spellcheck – Spell check window will be opened when user clicks on the Button. It will verify only if “Enable Spellcheck” of a textbox is enabled. | |
2 | Text | String | Sets the value to the button |
3 | Tooltip | String | The texts that needs to be displayed when the user hover the mouse pointer over the control, without clicking it. |
4 | Tab Index | Integer | Sets the Tab order for the control within its container. |
5 | Remarks | String | To make a comment or observation about the control for reference. |
Style | ||| | Property name | Data type | Description |
6 | Width | String | Sets the suggested width or thickness of the control |
7 | Height | String | Sets the suggested height of the control. |
8 | Margin | String | Sets the edge or outer margin to the control. |
9 | Font | String | Sets the font face\style. |
10 | Font Size | String | Sets the font size. |
11 | Font Color | String | Sets a brush that describes the Text color of the control. |
12 | Background Color | String | Sets a brush that describes the Background color of the control. |
13 | Visible | Boolean | Sets the visibility of the control while rendering. |
14 | Enable | Boolean | Sets the accessibility of the control during rendering. |
15 | BoldBoolean | Boolean | To make the control text Bold. |
16 | Italic | Boolean | Italicize the control text. |
17 | Column Span | String | To merge the number of column specified. |
Rules | ||| | Property name | Data type | Description |
18 | Rules | After selecting the control, If user clicks Rules tab it will be expanded and displays a Rules property. Create Rule can be selected from a drop down list. On clicking the Create Rule link button will navigate the user to the Rules Engine. The same control will be added as a trigger by default to execute the Rule. |
Reports | ||| | Property name | Data type | Description |
19 | Control Report | Control Report will redirect to Reports tab that will display all the configurations, rules and datasources details associated to the selected control. |