show / hide menu


Control Name: RadioButton
Group: Standard

S.noProperty nameData typeDescription
1RadioGroupStringTo set similar kind controls to form a RadioButton group
2TextStringSets the text associated with the control
3TooltipStringThe texts that needs to be displayed when the user hover the mouse pointer over the control, without clicking it.
4Tab IndexIntegerSets the Tab order for the control within its container.
5Default ValueStringTo set the radio button marked/selected by default
6RemarksStringTo make a comment or observation about the control for reference.
Attached Label
S.noProperty nameData typeDescription
7Show LabelBooleanTo display the attached label along with the control.
8Label TextStringSets the text content of the label attached to the control.
Label Position
To place the label attached in various positions around the control.
10Label WidthStringSets the suggested width or thickness of the label attached to the control.
11Label Height
Sets the suggested height of the label attached to the control.
12Text AlignmentStringTo align the texts inside the label attached to different positions within the control.
13MarginStringSets the edge or outer margin to the control.
14FontStringSets the font face\style.
15Font SizeStringSets the size of the text in attached label.
16BoldBooleanTo make the attached label text Bold
17ItalicBooleanItalicize the attached label text.
18UnderlineBooleanUnderline the attached label text.
19Font ColorStringSets a brush that describes the Font color in attached label.
20Background ColorStringSets a brush that describes the Background color to the attached label.
S.noProperty nameData typeDescription
21WidthStringSets the suggested width or thickness of the control.
22HeightStringSets the suggested height of the control.
23MarginStringSets the edge or outer margin to the control.
24FontStringSets the font face\style.
25Font SizeStringSets the font size.
26Font ColorStringSets a brush that describes the Text color of the control.
27Background ColorStringSets a brush that describes the Background color of the control.
28VisibleBooleanSets the visibility of the control while rendering.
29EnableBooleanSets the accessibility of the control during rendering.
30BoldBooleanTo make the control text Bold.
31ItalicBooleanItalicize the control text.
32Column SpanStringTo merge the number of column specified.
S.noProperty nameData typeDescription
33RulesAfter selecting the control, If user clicks Rules tab it will be expanded and displays a Rules property. Create Rule can be selected from a drop down list. On clicking the Create Rule link button will navigate the user to the Rules Engine. The same control will be added as a trigger by default to execute the Rule.
S.noProperty nameData typeDescription
34Is RequiredBooleanHelps to check whether user has to give input in the control or not. If this property is enabled, this will not allow the user to save a form without giving the input.
35Required MessageStringIf Is Required property was enabled and input was given in this property, the validation message will be displayed to the next right of the control when the user trying to save a form without entering a value in the control.
S.noProperty nameData typeDescription
36Control ReportControl Report will redirect to Reports tab that will display all the configurations, rules and datasources details associated to the selected control.