The TextBox server control is an input control that lets the user enter text. By default, the TextMode of the control is set to singleLine, which displays a single-line text box. However, you can set the TextMode to multiLine to display a multi-line text box (which renders as a text area element).
Control Name: TextBox
Group: Standard
General | ||| | Property name | Data type | Description |
1 | Default Value | String | Set the value to be displayed in textbox in preview |
2 | Accept return | String | Allows user to enter multi lines in the textbox |
3 | Tooltip | String | The texts that needs to be displayed when the user hover the mouse pointer over the control, without clicking it. |
4 | Tab Index | Integer | Sets the Tab order for the control within its container. |
5 | Remarks | String | To make a comment or observation about the control for reference. |
6 | Max Length | Integer | Sets the maximum length of characters that can be entered in textbox. |
7 | Text Case | String | Set the type of data that can be entered in textbox. |
8 | Enable Spellcheck | Boolean | Enables to check the spelling of data entered in Textbox. |
9 | Check Dirty | Boolean | Notifies the user to check the dependent control values are changed. |
10 | Is Dirty | Boolean | To check whether the existing value in the textbox is changed or not. |
Attached Label | ||| | Property name | Data type | Description |
11 | Show Label | Boolean | To display the attached label along with the control. |
12 | Label Text | String | Sets the text content of the label attached to the control. |
13 | Label Position | String | To place the label attached in various positions around the control. |
14 | Label Width | String | Sets the suggested width or thickness of the label attached to the control. |
15 | Label Height | String | Sets the suggested height of the label attached to the control. |
16 | Text Alignment | String | To align the texts inside the label attached to different positions within the control. |
17 | Margin | String | Sets the edge or outer margin to the control. |
18 | Font | String | Sets the font face\style. |
19 | Font Size | String | Sets the size of the text in attached label. |
20 | Bold | Boolean | To make the attached label text Bold |
21 | Italic | Boolean | Italicize the attached label text. |
22 | Underline | Boolean | Underline the attached label text. |
23 | Font Color | String | Sets a brush that describes the Font color in attached label. |
24 | Background Color | String | Sets a brush that describes the Background color to the attached label. |
25 | Items | On clicking Browse button of the items will open a datasource window |
Style | ||| | Property name | Data type | Description |
26 | Width | String | Sets the suggested width or thickness of the control. |
27 | Height | String | Sets the suggested height of the control. |
28 | Text Alignment | String | Specifies whether the text to be left-aligned, Center –aligned or right-aligned |
29 | Margin | String | Sets the edge or outer margin to the control. |
30 | Font | String | Sets the font face\style. |
31 | Font Size | String | Sets the font size. |
32 | Font Color | String | Sets a brush that describes the Text color of the control. |
33 | Background Color | String | Sets a brush that describes the Background color of the control. |
34 | Visible | Boolean | Sets the visibility of the control while rendering. |
35 | Enable | Boolean | Sets the accessibility of the control during rendering. |
36 | Bold | Boolean | To make the control text Bold. |
37 | Italic | Boolean | Italicize the control text. |
38 | Column Span | String | To merge the number of column specified. |
Rules | ||| | Property name | Data type | Description |
39 | Rules | After selecting the control, If user clicks Rules tab it will be expanded and displays a Rules property. Create Rule can be selected from a drop down list. On clicking the Create Rule link button will navigate the user to the Rules Engine. The same control will be added as a trigger by default to execute the Rule. | |
40 | Invoke On Press | Sets the textbox to gets invoked on each key press Example : If the maximum length of the textbox is set to 3 and by selecting this property we can set focus to the next control to be focused after the textbox is filled up with the 3rd character |
Validation | ||| | Property name | Data type | Description |
41 | Is Required | Boolean | Helps to check whether user has to give input in the control or not. If this property is enabled, this will not allow the user to save a form without giving the input. |
42 | Required Message | String | If Is Required property was enabled and input was given in this property, the validation message will be displayed to the next right of the control when the user trying to save a form without entering a value in the control. |
43 | Regular Expression | String | A sequence of symbols and characters expressing a string or pattern to be searched for within a longer piece of text. |
44 | Expression Message | String | The message to be displayed when Regular Expression fails |
Reports | ||| | Property name | Data type | Description |
45 | Control Report | Control Report will redirect to Reports tab that will display all the configurations, rules and datasources details associated to the selected control. |
Auto Height-The control will automatically adjust its height to allow its content to be displayed correctly.
MaxHeight – Restrict the Control to a Height, if Auto height is enabled. The control will grown only up-to Max height value.
Encode Value – Encode special characters from the Text Box before inserting to SQL table.