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Date Functions (GetHour, GetMinutes, GetMeridiem)


GetHour () function is used to get the Hour value of the given time.


GetMinutes () function is used to get the Minute value of the given time.


GetMeridiem () function is used to get the Meridiem value of the given time.

All the functions are illustrated in the given example.
Drag and drop datetime pickers, buttons, and textboxes into the form as shown

Syntax of each of the functions is given below, so add Rules and actions according to the syntax of the functions.

To get the hour write a rule as follows based on the corresponding trigger,

To get the minutes write a rule as follows based on the corresponding trigger,

To get the meridiem write a rule as follows based on the corresponding trigger,

Save and check in the form, the corresponding form preview is shown below.

On the click of the corresponding buttons the values will be displayed in the respective textboxes.