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Custom Error Description

This Feature is to set tenant specific custom error messages so that the end user can be prevented from seeing the actual error message.

Steps to add custom error description.

  • Goto Tenant Settings. Under basic settings, Custom Error description can be enabled and updated with the required error message.
  Figure 1

Eg: When we try to insert a character to a integer column in SQL table. It throws a error, ’’Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Int64’’.  This error will be customized to    the error message that is updated in the tenant settings.

 Figure 2


To get the actual error message thrown, a new rule Get Error has been implemented.

Rule Format

     Figure 3

We can get the actual error message to a TextBox control using the Get Error rule, the trigger for the rule is ‘Error Handler’, which can be found in the default triggers.

Rule syntax:

Figure 4
  • Control Variable – To get the place where the error is thrown. If the error is related to insert data source operation,we get the InsertDataSource name like DSInsert.Insert
  • Suppress Error – To suppress the custom error message; Default value is False
  • True – Error will be suppressed; False- Error will be thrown

Rule Section:

Figure 5


Figure 6