We will be using the following tables in this example.
Name : EmployeeInfo
Type : SQL Table
Sl No | Column Name | Data Type | Description |
1 | User | VarChar | UserId |
2 | OrgCode | VarChar | Organization Code |
3 | OrgName | VarChar | Organization Name |
4 | FullName | VarChar | Full Name of user |
5 | VarChar | ||
6 | YearlyVacationAllocation | Number | Yearly Vacation Time Allocated |
7 | VacationCarryForward | Number | Vacation Carry Forwarded from previous year |
8 | VacationCarryForwardAllowed | Number | Vacation Carry Forward Allowed |
9 | TotalVacationAllowed | Number | Total Current Year Vacation Allocation |
10 | CurrentYearAvailableVacTime | Number | Total Current Year Vacation Time Available |
11 | YTDVacationUsed | Number | YTD vacation time used |
12 | YTDVacationTimeBalance | Number | YTD Vacation Time Balance |
13 | YearlySickLeaveAllowed | Number | Yearly Sick Leave Allocation |
14 | YTDSickLeaveUsed | Number | YTD sick leave time used |
15 | YTDSickLeaveBalance | Number | TD Sick Leave Time Balance |
16 | YearlyPersonalLeaveAllowed | Number | Yearly Personal Leave Allocation |
17 | YTDPersonalLeaveUsed | Number | YTD personal leave time used |
18 | YTDPersonalLeaveBalance | Number | YTD Personal Leave Time Balance |
Name : AbsenceRequestDates
Type : SQL Table
Sl No | Column Name | Data Type | Description |
1 | User | VarChar | UserId |
2 | Date | Date and Time | Absence Request Date |
3 | Hours | Number | Total hrs |
4 | LeaveType | VarChar | Vacation/SickLeave/PersonalLeave |
Name : Restricted and Reserved Dates
Type : SQL Table
Sl No | Column Name | Data Type | Description |
1 | Description | VarChar | Description of the restricted or reserved dates |
2 | Dates | Date and Time | Restricted and Reserved Date |
3 | Organization Code | VarChar | Organization Code |
4 | Organization Name | VarChar | Organization Name |