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A web service is a standardized way of allowing different applications or systems to communicate with each other over the web. Web services enable interoperability between various software applications running on different platforms, such as web servers, desktops, or mobile devices.

The collection controls available are AutocompleteTextbox, Combobox, Radiobuttongroup, Checkboxgroup, Listbox,MultiBox. These controls can be configured using webservice datasource. Let’s discuss the configuration in detail.

1. Click on the collection control, quick menu appears as shown in the image below.

2. Select New DataSource Configuration, Datasource wizard appears as shown in the image below.

3. Select Webservice and click Ok. Select the required datasource from the list as shown in the image and click Next.

4. Select the required datasource object as shown in the image below.

5. Click Next. DataSource Wizard appears with sample request as shown in the image below.

6. Click Next. Sample SOAP request XML view appears as shown in the image.

7. Enter the required field and click Next button. Sample response body appears as shown in the image below.

8. Click next button. Map the required field and click next as shown in the image below.

9.Trigger can be selected in this window as shown in the image below and click Finish.

10.After clicking Finish. Rule will be generated as shown in the image below.

11.Click Preview and type the first letter in autocompletetextbox, data will be loaded as shown in the image below.