The export properties for PDFs is used to set the properties of the PDF being created with ConvertToPDF rule like height, width, etc.
Steps to set export properties
Figure 1
1. Width: Defines the width of the form.
2. Height: Defines the height of the form.
3. Size: Specifies predefined paper sizes.
A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10: Standard ISO paper sizes, with A4 being the most common for forms.
ArchA, ArchB, ArchC, ArchD, ArchE: Arch paper sizes used for large-format printing.
B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5: B series paper sizes, larger than A series, used for posters and large forms.
Fisa: A less common paper size.
HalfLetter: Half of the Letter size, often used for smaller forms.
Ledger: Also known as Tabloid size.
Legal: Paper size of 8.5in x 14in.
Letter: Standard paper size in the US.
Letter11x17: Larger version of the Letter size, often used for large formats.
Note: A smaller size often used for note-taking.
4. Orientation: Defines the layout direction of the form.
Landscape: Form width is greater than height (wider than tall).
Portrait: Form height is greater than width (taller than wide).
5. Margin: Specifies the space between the content of the form and its edges.
Top: Margin space at the top of the form.
Bottom: Margin space at the bottom of the form.
Left: Margin space on the left side of the form.
Right: Margin space on the right side of the form.
6. Fit_to_Width: Adjusts the content to fit the width of the page.
7. Auto_height: Adjusts the height of the form automatically based on the content.
8. Settings:
1. Click on the gear icon in the settings under export properties.
2.The PDF Configuration window will pop up, presenting options organized into three tabs: General, Header/Footer Properties, and Page Properties.
Figure 3
3. In the General Tab, you can configure settings for background images and placeholders. Header/Footer Properties allows you to set up headers and footers, while Page Properties lets you adjust the settings related to page numbers and their formatting.
PDF Configuration Window
General Tab – Background Image
Enable Background Image: A checkbox to activate or deactivate the background image on the PDF.
Path: Specifies the location of the background image file.