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Signature Control is employed for digital signing within Appforms. Users have the ability to sign, clear, and update signatures within the signature control feature.

Working with Signature

1: Please create a form with a “Signature Control” feature, as depicted below:

(Figure 1)

2: In the Properties tab, users can adjust parameters such as width, height, border color, and border thickness, among others (refer to Figure 2).

(Figure 2)

3: Below is a preview of a form featuring Signature Control.

(Figure 3)

4:  Users can input their signature by clicking on the control. Upon clicking the “Done” button after entering their signature, it will be displayed within the control (refer to Figure 4 and Figure 5).

(Figure 4)

(Figure 5)

 5: Clicking the “Clear” button will erase the signature entered by the user (refer to Figure 6).

(Figure 6)

Signature Properties 

Here is a basic list of properties that can be utilized in rules.

Value –Sets or gets the value from or to the signature control.

Text- Sets the textual content of the signature control.

ToolTip -For sets the text that displayed when a user hovers the mouse pointer over the signature control.

Style.Width – To set the suggested width of the signature control.

Style.Height – To set the suggested height of the signature control.

Style.Margin – To set the outer margin of the signature control.

Style.BoxShadow – To set the box shadow values (horizontal shadow, vertical shadow, blur distance, color) to the signature control.

Style.FontColor – To set the font color of the signature control.

Style.FontSize – To sets the font size of the signature control.

Style.BackGroundColor – To set the background color of the signature control.

Style.BorderColor – To set the border color of the signature control.

Style.Visibility – To show or hide the signature control.

Validation.IsRequired- To enable this property to designate the signature control as mandatory.

Validation.IsRequiredMessage- To displays the message when the validation of the signature control fails.

SpellCheckRequired – To enable or disable the spell check of the signature control.

Designer Properties

Here is the list of available properties in the Signature Control from the designer.

 Control Name: Signature

 Group: Standard

S.noProperty nameData typeDescription
1BoarderStringTo show border of the signature control.
2RemarksStringTo make a comment or observation about the signature control for reference.
3ToolTipStringThe texts that to be displayed when the user hover the mouse pointer over the control, without clicking it.
4Signature TextStringSet signature text
5WidthStringSets the suggested width or thickness of the control.
6HeightStringSets the suggested height of the control.
7Box ShadowStringShow box shadow values(Horizontal shadow, vertical shadow, blur shadow , color)
8MarginStringSets the edge or outer margin to the control.
9Font SizeStringSets the font size.
10Font ColorStringSets the text font color of the control.
11Background ColorStringSets the Background color of the control.
12Border ThicknessIntegerSets Thickness of the border of the control.
13VisibleStringTo manage the visibility of the control.
14Column SpanIntegerTo merge the number of columns specified.
15Is RequiredBooleanHelps to check whether user has to give input in the control or not.  If this property is enabled, this will not allow the user to save a form without giving the input.
16Validation MessageStringDisplay the message when validation fails
17Message PositionStringSets the position of the validation message.
18Inherit TemplateBooleanEnable this property to inherit control style from applied template.
Custom Style
19CSS ClassStringThis feature enables you to incorporate a CSS class into your control, thereby altering the default formatting for any of our themes.
20RulesUpon selecting the control, clicking the Rules tab expands it to display a Rules property. Users can choose “Create Rule” from a drop-down list. Clicking the “Create Rule” link button will then navigate the user to the Rules Engine. The same control will be added as a trigger by default to execute the Rule.
21TextStringSets the signature control’s text.
22Control Report Control Report will redirect to Reports tab that will display all the configurations, rules and data sources details associated to the selected control.

Quick Action Menu

The Signature control will include two quick action menus: one for Control and another for Rules/Attributes.