Configuring a collection control to display values from a ‘SharePoint List ’.
A ‘Datasource’ window will pop up. Select the datasource type as ‘SharePoint’ and click on ‘OK’ button to proceed with the wizard.
2.On selecting the datasource type, a ‘DataSource Wizard’ will pop up.
Select any of the available SharePoint list from the current site.
The user can also make use of ‘Filter’ option to search a particular SharePoint list from the available lists in the window.
Click on ‘Next’ button to continue.
Manage the site selection on clicking ‘Previous’ button.
On clicking ‘Previous’ button, a list of all sites and subsites will be displayed from which the user can select the site/subsite in which the list resides.
By default the current site will be selected.
3.A ‘Criteria Builder’ window gets pop up.
Manage the criteria based on which the ListBox control has to be loaded in preview.
The criteria section has to be specified with a condition or value in a control configured in the form based on which selection has to be done.
The first drop down will contain all the column names of the list. Select the column name based on which criteria has to be created.
The second drop down will contain a list of operators that are applicable for criteria satisfaction.
The third auto complete field when typed in will display the control name from which the list value has to be obtained.
Multiple criteria can be joined using ‘AND’ and ‘OR’.
NB: All the mapping value fields are drop downs which when text is typed in, the control names in the form are shown.
In this window the number of resultant rows that has to be displayed in the preview can also be managed.
By default the checkbox against ‘Select All Results’ will be selected ,so that all resultant rows will be loaded in the ListBox.
On unchecking the same checkbox,the user can manually enter the desired number of resultant rows that has to be displayed.
Now click on ‘Next’ button to continue with the wizard.
4.A ‘Values wizard’ will pop up.
Set a column in the list as ’Value Member’.
Set another column in the list as ‘Display Member’.
A ‘Both’ option is also available to set a same column as both the’ Value Member’ and ‘Display Member’.
Click on ‘Next’ button to proceed with the wizard.
5. A ‘Miscellaneous window’ will pop up.
Sort order for columns can be managed.
Click on ‘Next ‘ button
Managing the trigger has been already explained in the section ‘Configuring ListBox with MS SQL’.
Click on ‘Finish’ button.
6. In Preview,
ListBox control gets populated with the data based on the criteria.