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The HashText function encrypts plain text data using a secure hashing algorithm, along with a provided salt value for enhanced security. 



  • plaintext: The plain text to be hashed, typically representing the password or sensitive information. 
  • salt: A random value or string used as additional input to the hashing algorithm to strengthen security and mitigate against dictionary attacks and rainbow table attacks. 


MessageBox(HashText(“hello”, “myKey”)) 

This example hashes the plain text “hello” using the provided salt “myKey”, resulting in a hashed value that represents the securely hashed password. 

Figure 13: rule

Figure 14: Preview


The HashText function is crucial for securely storing passwords or other sensitive data. By incorporating a salt value into the hashing process, it enhances security by adding randomness to the hashed output, thereby mitigating the risk of dictionary attacks and rainbow table attacks.