A global variable is one that can be accessed from any form within the application. The available global variables include:
ADUserID – This variable contains the ID of the Active Directory (AD) user.
AccessToken– This variable holds the information of the access token.
FormID– This variable contains the current Form ID.
Host– This variable contains the host information.
JSFormID-This variable contains the JSFormID.
JSType-This variable contains the JavaScript type.
JSValue– This variable contains the JavaScript value.
LoginUserName – This variable holds information about the logged-in username.
Now– This variable stores the system’s current date and time.
ServerDate– This variable holds the server date.
SpUserGroup– This variable contains the user group for the service provider (SP).
SpellCheckStatus– This variable holds the status of the spellcheck feature.
TenantID– This variable holds the current Tenant ID.
TenantUrl– This variable holds the Tenant URL.
Url– This variable contains the URL of the form.
User– This variable stores the username.
UserAgent– This variable holds the user agent information.
UserFirstName– This variable holds the user’s first name.
UserGroup– This variable contains the user group.
UserID– This variable holds the User ID.
UserLastname– This variable holds the user’s last name.