Allow Paging Property
For enabling the paging in dynamic grid control take the property window and check the option ‘Allow Paging’ and the give Page Size. Then the grid automatically adjust with a new page when 21st record (row) is encountered.
Dynamic Height Property
This is used to adjust the height of dynamic grid control and it is used by the way we are setting maximum height according to the Page Size given and then check the option ‘Dynamic Height / Width’ and then it will automatically adjust with the number or rows in the grid.
To insert a new row in dynamic grid
To insert a new row in the dynamic grid you can done it by clicking on Insert Item link button which is in the bottom of the grid control or the ‘+’ sign button in the right side of the grid control (see figure).
When click on this buttons new row is added in the grid.
Prevent New Row
When we check this option in property window the default options to add a new row will be disabled.
By rule
When we enable this property,the default options to add new row will be invisible
Export To Excel feature
This feature used to export the entire data in the grid to an Excel sheet. For this we need to check the option ‘Export To Excel’ in the property tab.
When loading the form with this property enabled you can see that one icon of Excel sheet symbol in the bottom of the grid and clicking on that the webpage will throw a popup with option to save the data in the grid as an excel sheet.
Webpage will ask to save data in the sheet as an excel sheet.Option to Save/Open it in Excel.
Fill-data Trigger:
The fill-data trigger in the dynamic grid will trigger the actions which is written in the trigger of dynamic grid.
By default the option will be ‘on completed’ and which means all the will trigger once when the grid get filled.
But there is another two options in this feature (see below figure)
When you select ‘On each row’ option it will trigger the actions those written in the trigger of dynamic grid when each row is triggered. That is when you are tab out from one row to another.
When you select ‘On each cell’ option it will trigger the actions when each cell is triggered that is when we tab out from one cell to another.
Link text
We can replace the default link text of dynamic grid control using the Link text option in the property window. You can type the new string in the ‘Link text’ option in property window (see below image)
Then this will be the new link text for the grid.
This can be also done by rule. When triggering this rule the text will be changed as given.
This rule will defines the action of dynamic grid. The actions could be ‘Add’ or ‘Remove’.
In the above example when new row is added and then the decision DynamicGrid1.Action=’Add’ will become true and that actions written in the true section of decision will execute.
This can be also set as DynamicGrid1.Action=’Remove’ in the decision and when a remove action is occurred in the dynamic grid it will be trigger the rules written in the decision.
To get the total row count of the grid we are using this function. It can be set to any variable or can be check the value of row count in decisions and so on.
This function used to get the column index. When we need to trigger an action or set a value based on column index we are using this function. Write the rule in the trigger of dynamic grid to achieve this.
In the above example when the column with index 2 is triggered, then the action write on the decision DynamicGrid1.ColIndex=2 will be executed.
And in another way we are using it when we need to set values to grid according to the column index.
This function is used to get the row index.
In the example when the row with index 2 is triggered the decision gets true value and the message box will trigger.
We can also use this to set values based on row index value of the dynamic grid.