Form Variables are the variables of the form. The available Form Variables are,
Me.Autoheight – This variable indicates whether the autoheight feature for form is enabled or not.
Me.Enabled – This variable is used to enable or disable form.
Me.Height – This variable is used to retrieve/set the height of the form.
Me.IsDirty – This variable is used to determine whether the any control in form is edited or not. This can be checked only if Form’s checkdirty property is enabled.
Me.IsMobile– This variable is used to determine whether the form is in mobile view or not.
Me.IsValid– This variable returns a boolean value based on the IsValid property.
Me.Name – This variable returns/sets the name of the form.
Me.PrintPageSize– This variable returns the print page size of the form.
Me.TargetRule– This variable returns the target rule of the form.
Me.Title– This variable returns the title of the form.