show / hide menu


This function is used to Reset Hidden control Value.

ResetHiddenControls(), ResetHiddenControls(ControlName), ResetHiddenControls(ControlName1, ControlName2, …n)

If we use the function ResetHiddenControls(), it will reset the values entered in all the hidden controls present in the form. If we use the function as ResetHiddenControls(ControlName), then it will reset the value of the particular hidden control. If we use the function as ResetHiddenControls(ControlName1, ControlName2, …n), then it will reset the values of all the hidden controls mentioned by coma(,) separated values.

ResetHiddenControls(HiddenControl1, HiddenControl2)

Note: Each time a value changed in the hidden control, it triggers any rules associated with that hidden control during the value change event. However, if you use the ResetHiddenControls function to clear the value in the hidden control, it silently wipes out the data and does not trigger the associated rules for the hidden control.