Progress Tracker is used to display progress through a sequence by numbered steps. The main advantage of progress tracker is, it provides an overview of the entire process and allows you to track progress at different stages.
Figure 1
Figure 2
For configuring the progress tracker, here are examples using both Static and MS SQL data sources.
Step-1: Select the datasource type as ‘Static’ and click on ‘OK’ button.
Figure 3
Step-2: Set Value, Title and Description in the Progress Tracker- Static DataSource configuration pop-up window.
Figure 4
Step-3: You can add required number of steps by clicking the add button. After that click on OK button.
Figure 5
Step-4: In Preview, the static value already configured gets populated in the control.
Figure 6
Step-1: Select the datasource type as ‘MS SQL’ and click on ‘OK’ button
Figure 7
Step-2: Select any of the SQL datasource and click on ‘Next’ button to proceed with the wizard.
Figure 8
Step-3: Select the table name and click on ‘Next’ button to continue with the wizard. More than one table can be selected here.
Figure 9
Step-4: This wizard is mandatory only when multiple tables are selected. Now click on ‘Next’ button to continue with the wizard.
Figure 10
Step-5: A ‘Values wizard’ will pop up.
Figure 11
Step-6: A ‘Miscellaneous window’ will pop up. It is used to Sort the results.
Figure 12
Step-7: In the final wizard, choose the trigger and click on Finish button.
Figure 13
Step-8: In Preview, the sql value configured gets populated in the control.
Figure 14
NOTE- Similarly, we can configure it with Stored Procedure and RESTful Service as well.
Progress Tracker Properties
Here’s the basic list of properties which can be used from rules.
ProgressTracker1.DisableStep: | Property name | Data type | Description |
General | |||
1 | Remarks | String | To make a comment or observation about the control for reference. |
2 | Auto Height | Boolean | Set the content can flow naturally within its container without overflowing or being cut off. |
3 | Navigation | On clicking Browse button, Progress Tracker Navigation Form window will open and select required form from it. Sets navigation on click. | |
Style | |||
4 | Width | String | Sets the suggested width or thickness of the control. |
5 | Height | String | Sets the suggested height of the control. |
6 | Text Alignment | String | Specifies whether the text to be left-aligned, Center aligned or right-aligned |
7 | Margin | String | Sets the edge or outer margin to the control. |
8 | Padding | String | Sets the padding of the control(left,Top,Right,Bottom) |
9 | Font | String | Sets the font face\style. |
10 | Font Size | String | Sets the font size. |
11 | Font Color | String | Sets a brush that describes the Text color of the control. |
12 | Background Color | String | Sets a brush that describes the Background color of the control. |
13 | Visible | Boolean | Sets the visibility of the control while rendering. |
14 | Bold | Boolean | To make the control text Bold. |
15 | Italic | Boolean | Italicize the control text. |
16 | Underline | Boolean | Set the option to underline the text |
17 | Column Span | String | To merge the number of column specified. |
18 | Template | String | Can Customize template of the control. |
19 | Step-Size | String | Sets the suggested height and width of the steps |
20 | Enable | Boolean | To Enable/Disable the control |
Data Source | |||
21 | Items | On clicking Browse button of the items will open a datasource window. | |
Reports | |||
22 | Control Report | Control Report will redirect to Reports tab that will display all the configurations, rules and datasources details associated to the selected control. | |
Rules | |||
23 | Rules | After selecting the control, If user clicks Rules tab it will be expanded and displays a Rules property. Create Rule can be selected from a drop-down list. On clicking the Create Rule link button will navigate the user to the Rules Engine. The same control will be added as a trigger by default to execute the Rule. | |
Template | |||
24 | Inherit Template | Boolean | Enable this property to inherit control style from applied template |
Custom Style | |||
25 | CSS Style | String | Allows you to add CSS class to your control to change the default formatting for any of our themes |