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SubForm Control


By using Subform control, user can have a complete form within the Mainform having all the properties of Mainform. Whenever there is a different section in a form we can show them up in a Subform control where user can fit more controls without making the form illegible.
Working with a Subform Control
Step 1:– Create a form having ‘Subform control’, as shown below:-

Figure 1

Step 2:– Place the controls inside the ‘Subform Control’. In properties Tab, user can set style, border, visibility, margin etc depending upon the application without affecting the MainForm. Whenever application requires a different section, one can use subform control and drag all the required controls and set the visibility of Subform to True,whenever it wanted to display.

Figure 2

Control Name: Subform
Group: Grouping Control

S.noProperty NameData TypeDescription
1Remarks StringTo make a comment or observation about the control for reference.
2Hide ScrollBooleanTo hide scroll of the Subform.
Attached Label
S.noProperty NameData TypeDescription
3Show LabelBooleanTo display the attached label along with the control.
4Label TextStringSet the text contents of the label attached to the control.
5Label PositionStringTo place the label attached in various positions around the control.
6Label WidthStringSets the suggested width or thickness to the label attached to the control.
7Label HeightStringSets the suggested height to the label attached to the control.
8Text AlignmentStringSpecifies whether the text to be left-aligned, Center –aligned or right-aligned.
9MarginStringSets the edge or outer margin to the control.
10FontStringSets the font Style.
11Font SizeStringSets the font size.
12Font ColorStringSets a brush that describes the Text color of the control.
13Background ColorStringSets a brush that describes the Background color to the attached label.
S.noProperty NameData TypeDescription
14WidthStringSets the suggested width or thickness to the control.
15HeightStringSets the suggested height to the control.
16Show BorderBooleanTo set the border for the control.
17MarginStringSets the edge or outer margin to the control.
18Background ColorStringSets a brush that describes the Background color of the control.
19VisibleBooleanSets the visibility of the control while rendering.
20EnableBooleanSets the accessibility of the control during rendering.
21Column SpanStringTo merge the number of column specified.
S.noProperty NameData TypeDescription
22Control ReportControl Report will redirect to Reports tab that will display all the configurations, rules and data sources details associated to the selected control.