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Group Management

It is used to Add/ Delete group.

Click on the User Management button. A window opens as shown below.

Figure 1

1. Add Group

Click on Add Group button.A window opens as shown below.


  • Enter details with valid data.
  • To save the changes, Clickon Savebutton.

2. Edit Group

To Edit a Group click on Edit Group link.

Figure 3

A window opens as shown below in the figure.

Figure 4

  • Edit the fields to be changed
  • To save the changes, Click on Update button

3. View Users

To view the users in a group, click on View Users link.

Figure 5

A window opens as shown below in the figure.

Figure 6

Here Administrator can,

  • View users in the group
  • Add usersto the group
  • Remove users from the group.

Click on Add button, a window opens as shown below in the figure.

Figure 7

  • Enter/select user names to be added.
  • To save the changes, click on Save button.

4. Remove User

 To remove a user from the group click on Remove link.

Figure 8

5. Delete Group

  • Select the group to be deleted.
  • Click on DeleteGroup button.
  • Figure9
  • If same user belongs to multiple groups, the least permission will be applied to that user.
  • Example :
  • There are two groups Group A and Group B
  • Figure 10
  • Group A and Group B is having a same user “ClaySysEmp”.
  • Group A have only Read Permission andGroup B have No Access to form/tenant/form.
  • When “ClaySysEmp” login, He can only Read since it is least permission.