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Studio Settings

Studio settings have options that can be tweaked in a project. Select the ‘Studio Settings’ by clicking on options in the Options menu at the top left to access it.

Studio settings window will appears on the designer panel where the user can change the settings for IntelliSense and Debugger

IntelliSense Settings

IntelliSense Settings consists of fundamental features that are recommended to perform particular actions during the design stage of an automation project at the activity level. It includes:

  • Auto Create Output Property Variable – If this checkbox is selected, it indicates that the output variable needs to be generated automatically. 
  • Auto-Mapping Input Property – If this checkbox is selected, it indicates that the output needs to be auto-populated from the previous activity. 

Debugger Settings

Debugger Settings contains global settings that are applicable to all projects opened in this version of studio. It includes:

  • Output console size – The output console is a panel that displays as soon as the process execution begins which will log each activity that is being performed. The output panel can display a maximum of 9,999 lines. The default value is 1000 lines. 
  • Highlight elements – If this check box is selected, it will highlight those UI elements that were indicated during the configuration of UI activities while the process is being executed. 
  • Minimize on run – If this check box is selected, the studio will be minimized while executing a project. After the execution of the project, the studio will be maximized.