Queue Scheduler is used when we have a process that needs to be triggered, each time an item/s gets added to a particular Queue.
On the landing page of Queue Scheduler,
Trigger Name – we have to give a Name for the trigger that we are going to create in the Trigger name field.
Queue – In the Queue field, we will be able to see a dropdown list. Select the Queue to which new queue items will be added.
Process – In the Process field, we will be able to see a dropdown list. Select the process that needs to be triggered once the queue item(s) gets added to the queue.
Robot Allocation – in the Robot Allocation, we have two options – a) dynamic and b) static
If we select the dynamic option, then the process will be triggered based on the availability of the bots. The process will not be subjected to just one or multiple selected bots.
If we select the Static option, we will be able to see a dropdown list. We need to select the robot which is going to be used to trigger the process. Multiple Robots can be added for execution.
Priority – In the Priority Field, we will be able to see a dropdown list. Here, we can set the priority of the job to either High, Medium or Low. Depending upon the priority which was set for the trigger, the bot will trigger the process accordingly.
Expire Time – This field is used to terminate the Job which is not running and is in the Scheduled State after the specified time.
Calendar – In the Calendar Field, we will be able to see a dropdown list. We can select any holidays which were created previously. The Calendar field can be used to manage the trigger on the selected holidays.
Maximum Jobs Allowed – Specify the maximum number of jobs that will get created for this trigger when a certain number of queue items will be added to the queue.
Maximum Job QueueItem Allowed – Specify the maximum number of Queue Items that should be allowed in order to create a particular job.