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FAQs – RPA Genie Studio

RPA Genie Studio is a visual designer used to create a robotic process automation. Using this component, you can design a process automation, run the automation and deploy it to local system or to the Bot Manager.

Q: What is RPA Genie? what does it do? Explain RPA Genie Studio.

A: RPA Genie is an automation platform developed by ClaySys. The core purpose of RPA Genie is automating tasks and business processes. RPA Genie studio is a development platform which is used to create or configure the automation process on Windows applications or web applications.

Q: what are key features of RPA Genie Studio?

A: The key features of RPA Genie Studio are as follows:

  • Drag-and-drop automation builder: RPA Genie Studio makes it easy to create automation workflows by using a drag-and-drop interface.
  • OOTB activities: RPA Genie Studio comes with a library of pre-built activities that can be used to automate common tasks.
  • Debugging tools: RPA Genie Studio has built-in debugging tools that can help you troubleshoot your automation workflows.
  • Exception handling: RPA Genie Studio can handle exceptions that occur during automation execution.
  • Logging: RPA Genie Studio logs all automation activities, which can be used to track the performance of your automation workflows.
  • Collaboration: RPA Genie Studio supports collaboration, so multiple users can work on the same automation project.

Q: What are the key considerations to select a process for automation using RPA Genie studio?

A: The key considerations to select a process for automation are as follows:

  • creating decision-based or rules-based workflows
  • automating large and repetitive tasks without any human intervention
  • extracting data from various sources
  • process should involve a lot of data entry.
  • preparing automated reports and sharing those via scheduled email.
  • process should be time-consuming or error-prone.

Q: Can RPA Genie automate tasks on web applications and desktop applications?

A: Yes, RPA Genie can automate tasks on both, web applications as well as on the desktop applications. It can interact with various web browsers and desktop software to perform a wide range of automated tasks.

Q: Do I need programming skills to use RPA Genie?

A: No, users may wonder if they need prior coding knowledge and which all programming languages are relevant to RPA Genie. But RPA Genie is simple tool that has drag and drop commands. Only basic logical understanding is needed to create automation processes by drag-and-drop of activities that are available in RPA Genie Studio.

Q: Which all web browser’s are supported by RPA Genie to create web automation?

A: Web browser’s supported by RPA Genie are Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox.

Q: Is RPA Genie cloud based platform?

A: No, installation of packages is required in your local system.

Q: How do I create my first automation workflow?

A: Automation workflow can be created using RPA Genie Studio. Based on your automation requirement, you can drag-and-drop the available activities from the studio. In case, certain activity is not available in the studio, you may install and use custom activities called as NuGet packages.

Refer genie studio activities  For learning, you may refer the link to get started with RPA Genie Automation project using studio :

Also, refer the RPA Genie Studio activity packages :

Q: Is RPA Genie free or is there a cost involved?

A: As of now, RPA Genie is not public. It comes in an installer file. It is not free, please contact sales team for pricing details.

Q: Deploying RPA Genie Studio to the local system or Bot Manager – Does that mean the computer or the server?

A: The automation created using RPA Genie can be deployed to a standalone BOT Machine (specification can be found in the architecture diagram). This can also be deployed to a BOT Manager, the central hub for BOTs (this will be a server). Once it is deployed to the BOT Manager all BOTs connected to the BOT Manager will have access to the automation (unless it has been restricted by applying for security permission).

Q: What software dependencies does it need for debugging?

A: Everything comes OOTB. You do not need any dependency to be installed or configured.

Q: Where do the logs go – To the SQL database? to the local server or to the local desktop system?

A: All the logs go to the SQL database.

Q: Does it strip any PII data that may be in the logs if the RPA process is looking at PII data for its analysis? For example, if it is analyzing an Excel sheet with PII data.

A: RPA Genie does not log any data. Only the actions/activities are logged. You can still log the data using custom logs and you can avoid logging any PII information.

Q: Explain Check In/Check In All/Check Out/Publish concepts When working on a project in RPA Genie Studio. Also, if a user is allowed to work on the project and later have another person to work on it then, what is the way in which the user needs to move out of a project so that another user can further work on it?

A: Once a project is checked-in, we can right click on the project and select the publish option. This published project will be available in the Bot Manager as a package. Next, this package needs to be added as a process and the required version needs to be selected to run the process as a job through the Bot Manager. Once a user has created, developed and finished working with a process, he needs to check-in that particular process so that another user will have the option to check-out that process in-order to work on the same.
If any other user needs to check out the process, he must go to Project Explorer, right-click on the process that was checked in and select the checkout option. After making the necessary changes he has to check in the process again. The first user need to check in the Project, so that another user will be able to check-out that project to edit the Properties and NuGet Packages of the project.

  • To check-in a process, go to project explorer, right click on the required process. Select the check-in option from the menu in-order to check- in that particular process.
  • If we right click on the project, we can select the check in option to check-in the particular project to save the Properties and NuGet Packages for that project
  • The check-in all option is used to check-in all the processes that come under the project.

In each of these cases, we need to add a comment and click on the Commit Button to save the changes.

Q: Can we have separate folder for screenshots of each process?
A: We can achieve this using a workaround. We can disable the default error screenshot in On Error Activity and we can Capture the screen and save it in the desired location for each process as per our requirement at the process level.