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Sub Activity – SMTP

The SMTP category has the following sub activities:

  1. Send SMTP Mail Messages: This activity is used to send and forward mail by using the SMTP Protocol. 
  2. Save Attachments: This activity can be used to save the mail attachments to the specified folder.

Activity NameCommonAttachmentsAuthenticationHostEmailReceiverSender
Send SMTP Mail MessageLabel – A classifying string applied to an activity which can be renamed by the user. It is the display name.

Disable – The user can enable or disable the activity.

ContinueOnError – It specifies the remaining activities to be executed even when one fails. This field supports only Boolean values (True or False). By default, the value is false so execution terminates when an error occurs.

Private – If selected, the log will not be shown in BOT Manager.
Attachments – The attachment that you want to add to the Email.Email – The email account to send the mail.

Password – Password of the given email account used to send the mail.
Server – Email server host that is to be used.

Port – Port that the email message has to be sent.
Body – Body of the email message.

Subject – Subject of the email message.

IsBodyHtml – Specifies whether the body of the message is in HTML format.

MailMessage – Object of MailMessages that is to be forwarded.
To – Main recipient of the mail.

Bcc – Hidden recipients of the email message.

Cc – Secondary recipient’s mail ID.
From – Email address of the sender.

Activity NameCommonInputOutput
Save AttachmentsLabel – A classifying string applied to an activity which can be renamed by the user. It is the display name.

Disable – The user can enable or disable the activity.

ContinueOnError – It specifies the remaining activities to be executed even when one fails. This field supports only Boolean values (True or False). By default, the value is false so execution terminates when an error occurs.

Private – If selected, the log will not be shown in BOT Manager.

FolderPath – The full path of the folder where the attachments are to be saved.

Message – The MailMessage object whose attachments are to be saved.
Attachments – The retrieved attachment is saved to the specified folder.