show / hide menu

Sub Activity – Browser

The Browser category has the following sub activities:

Close Browser: This activity is used to close the specified browser.

Windows Properties:

  • BrowserWindow – Browser window variable that holds the specified browser session that needs to be closed.
  • Repository Element – Element from the available UI Windows in the current project or a library project.

Close Tab: Closes the tab/webpage that is open in the browser.

Windows Properties:

  • BrowserWindow – Browser window variable that holds the browser tab that needs to be closed.
  • Repository Element – Element from the available UI Windows in the current project or a library project.

Execute Java Script: This activity can execute a Java script code in the context of a web page.

Element Properties:

  • Element – UI element variable or browser window variable which is returned by another UI activity.
  • Repository Element – Element from the available UI elements in the current project or a library project.

Input Properties:

  • Script – The code to be executed as a string.
  • Arguments – Input parameters to be passed between the script and robot.

Output Properties:

  • Result:

Go Back: This activity is used to go back to the specified browser’s history list.

Windows Properties:

  • BrowserWindow – BrowserWindow variable which holds the browser to which it should go back.
  • Repository Element – Element from the available UI Window in the current project or a library project.

Go Forward:  This activity is used to go forward to the specified browser’s history list.

Windows Properties:

  • BrowserWindow – BrowserWindow variable which holds the browser to which it should go forward.
  • Repository Element – Element from the available UI Window in the current project or a library project.

Navigate To: This activity is used to direct the browser to a specified URL.

Windows Properties:

  • BrowserWindow – BrowserWindow variable which holds the current browser Session.
  • Repository Element – Element from the available UI Window in the current project or a library project.

Input Properties:

  • URL –Location of the web page to which it should navigate.

Open Browser: This activity is used to Open a browser from different browser types at a defined URL and perform multiple actions within it.


  • Headless Mode – Headless browser is a tool used for automations where the visible UI shell is not required.
  • Auto Download Driver – Automatically downloads the required web driver for web automation.

Input Properties:

  • URL – Location of the web page that needs to be opened.
  • BrowserType – Select the browser type (Chrome/Edge IE Mode/ MS Edge/ Mozilla Firefox/Internet Explorer/) Default browser is Chrome.
  • Preferences – The preferences for the browser instance.
  • Capabilities– Browser configuration prior to open.
  • Arguments – Command line arguments to be used while starting the browser instance.

Output Properties:

  • BrowserWindow – BrowserWindow variable that stores all the information regarding the specified browser session.

New Window: This activity creates a new window or tab in a browser window.

Windows Properties:

Input Properties:

Refresh: This activity reloads the webpage of the browser that is specified in the input of the browser properties.

Input Properties:

  • BrowserWindow – BrowserWindow variable which holds the current browser Session that needs to be reloaded.
  • Repository Element – Element from the available UI Windows in the current project or a library project.

Set Web Attribute: This activity sets the value of the attribute of an element in the webpage.

Element Properties:

  • Element – UI element variable which is returned by another UI activity.
  • Selector – Property that is used to identify a particular element when a UI activity is executed.

Input Properties:

  • AttributeName – Name of attribute that needs to be changed.
  • Value – The value assigned to an attribute.

Switch Tab: This activity allows user to switch active tabs in the browser.

Windows Properties:

  • BrowserWindow – BrowserWindow variable which holds the current browser Session.
  • Repository Element – Element from the available UI Windows in the current project or a library project.

Input Properties:

  • Title – Title of the tab to which It should be switched.
  • Index –Index of the tab to which it should be switched.

Activity NameCommonWindowElementOptionsInputOutput
Close BrowserLabel – A classifying string applied to an activity that can be renamed by the user. It is the display name.

Disable – The user can enable or disable the activity.

ContinueOnError – It specifies the remaining activities to be executed even when one fails. This field supports only Boolean values (True or False). By default, the value is false so execution terminates when an error occurs.

Private – If selected, the log will not be shown in BOT Manager.
BrowserWindow – It holds the browser page. 

Repository Element – Element from the available UI Windows in the current project or library project.
Close TabLabel – A classifying string applied to an activity that can be renamed by the user. It is the display name.

Disable – The user can enable or disable the activity.

ContinueOnError – It specifies the remaining activities to be executed even when one fails. This field supports only Boolean values (True or False). By default, the value is false so execution terminates when an error occurs.

Private – If selected, the log will not be shown in BOT Manager.
BrowserWindow – It holds the browser page. 

Repository Element – Element from the available UI Windows in the current project or library project.
Execute JavaScriptLabel – A classifying string applied to an activity that can be renamed by the user. It is the display name.

Disable – The user can enable or disable the activity.

ContinueOnError – It specifies the remaining activities to be executed even when one fails. This field supports only Boolean values (True or False). By default, the value is false so execution terminates when an error occurs.

Private – If selected, the log will not be shown in BOT Manager.
 Element – The field accepts the UI element variable returned by another activity or the browser window.

Repository Element – Element from the available UI elements in the current project or library project.
 Script – The code to be executed as a string.

Arguments – Input parameters to be passed between the script and robot.
Result– Out variable of an object type that returns a resultant value from the browser.
Go BackLabel – A classifying string applied to an activity that can be renamed by the user. It is the display name.

Disable – The user can enable or disable the activity.

ContinueOnError – It specifies the remaining activities to be executed even when one fails. This field supports only Boolean values (True or False). By default, the value is false so execution terminates when an error occurs.

Private – If selected, the log will not be shown in BOT Manager.
BrowserWindow – BrowserWindow variable which holds the browser which you want to get back to.

Repository Element – Element from the available UI elements in the current project or library project.
Go ForwardLabel – A classifying string applied to an activity that can be renamed by the user. It is the display name.

Disable – The user can enable or disable the activity.

ContinueOnError – It specifies the remaining activities to be executed even when one fails. This field supports only Boolean values (True or False). By default, the value is false so execution terminates when an error occurs.

Private – If selected, the log will not be shown in BOT Manager.
BrowserWindow – BrowserWindow variable which holds the browser which you want to get back to.

Repository Element – Element from the available UI elements in the current project or library project.
Navigate ToLabel – A classifying string applied to an activity that can be renamed by the user. It is the display name.

Disable – The user can enable or disable the activity.

ContinueOnError – It specifies the remaining activities to be executed even when one fails. This field supports only Boolean values (True or False). By default, the value is false so execution terminates when an error occurs.

Private – If selected, the log will not be shown in BOT Manager.
BrowserWindow – BrowserWindow variable which holds the browser which you want to get back to.

Repository Element – Element from the available UI elements in the current project or library project.
  URL – Specifies the location of the web page. 
Open BrowserLabel – A classifying string applied to an activity that can be renamed by the user. It is the display name.

Disable – The user can enable or disable the activity.

ContinueOnError – It specifies the remaining activities to be executed even when one fails. This field supports only Boolean values (True or False). By default, the value is false so execution terminates when an error occurs.

Private – If selected, the log will not be shown in BOT Manager.
  Headless Mode – A headless browser is a great tool for automation where you don’t need a visible UI shell.

Auto Download Driver – Automatically download the required web driver for browser automation.
URL – Specifies the location of the web page.

BrowserType – Choose the browser type (Chrome/Internet Explorer) you want to use. Default browser is Chrome.

Preferences – The preferences for the browser instance. This property is supported only in chrome.

Capabilities– User can set browser configuration prior to open.
Arguments – Command line arguments to be used while starting the browser instance.
BrowserWindow – BrowserWindow variable that stores all the information regarding specified browser session.
RefreshLabel – A classifying string applied to an activity that can be renamed by the user. It is the display name.

Disable – The user can enable or disable the activity.

ContinueOnError – It specifies the remaining activities to be executed even when one fails. This field supports only Boolean values (True or False). By default, the value is false so execution terminates when an error occurs.

Private – If selected, the log will not be shown in BOT Manager.
   BrowserWindow – It holds the browser page. 

Repository Element – Element from the available UI Windows in the current project or library project.
Set Web AttributeLabel – A classifying string applied to an activity which can be renamed by the user. It is the display name.

Disable – The user can enable or disable the activity.

– It specifies the remaining activities to be executed even when one fails. This field supports only Boolean values (True or False). By default,the value is false so execution terminates when an error occurs.

Private – If selected, the log will not be shown in BOT Manager.

TimeOut – Predefined time interval that is passed without the occurrence of a specific event. The default value is 30secs (30000ms).

DelayAfter – The default delay time after executing the activity is 200ms.

DelayBefore – The default delay time before executing the activity is 200ms.
 Element – The field accepts UI element variable returned from the previous activity.

Selector – Text property used to find a particular when an activity is executed.
AttributeName – Name of attribute that is to be changed.

Value – The value to assign to an attribute is defined. Supports only string variables.
Switch TabLabel – A classifying string applied to an activity which can be renamed by the user. It is the display name.

Disable – The user can enable or disable the activity.

ContinueOnError – It specifies the remaining activities to be executed even when one fails. This field supports only Boolean values (True or False). By default, the value is false so execution terminates when an error occurs.

Private – If selected, the log will not be shown in BOT Manager.
BrowserWindow – It holds the browser page. 

Repository Element – Element from the available UI Windows in the current project or library project.
  Title – It is used to find the tab.

Index – It is used to find the tab.
New WindowLabel – A classifying string applied to an activity which can be renamed by the user. It is the display name.

Disable – The user can enable or disable the activity.

ContinueOnError – It specifies the remaining activities to be executed even when one fails. This field supports only Boolean values (True or False). By default, the value is false so execution terminates when an error occurs.

Private – If selected, the log will not be shown in BOT Manager.
BrowserWindow – It holds the browser page. 

Repository Element – Element from the available UI Windows in the current project or library project.
  WindowType – Select the desired window type (Tab/Window)