A NuGet package is a single ZIP file with the .nupkg extension that contains a single activity, or a group of activities created by the developers to reduce repetitive tasks.
“NuGetPackages” feature can be found inside the Project Explorer tab of the RPA Genie Studio.
First, the required NuGet Package should be added in the Bot Manager, which can then be installed in the RPA Genie Studio for further use.
On clicking the “NuGetPackages” tab, a pop-up window called “Packages” will appear.
On clicking the “Browse” tab, it allows to either search for a particular package by giving the package name in the search field or select a particular package from the list of packages that are available.
On clicking the “Installed” tab, the user will be able to view all the installed NuGet Packages.
Under the “Browse” tab, on selecting a particular NuGet Package, all the details of that package can be viewed as shown in the above image. In addition to that, it allows users to choose the version of that package that needs to be installed.
Once a NuGet Package is installed, it will get added in the Activities panel along with the other default activities. Depending upon the NuGet Package that have been installed, it could either be a single activity (Eg: Password Generator) or group of activities in the form of a folder (Eg: PDF).
For Example, if a user installs a NuGet Package named “RPA.Genie.Password.Generator”, a new activity called “Password Generator” will be added to the “Activities” panel and on expanding “NuGetPackages”, it displays the installed package under it. “Password Generator” is an activity that helps to generate random password of the required length.
Similar to the properties of other activities present inside the RPA Genie Studio, the above-mentioned “Password Generator” activity has fields like “Common, Input and Output” as shown below.
Please note that if a NuGet Package has not been installed in a particular project, it cannot be used by that project.