On the top right, we have the Add option. Once we click on the “Add” button, a new Add Resource window will get displayed.
Give the appropriate Resource name in the Resource Name field. The name can be any combination of characters, digits, or underscores. However, the name should not begin with a number and there shouldn’t be any spaces between the characters.
Select the Resource value’s type from the Type dropdown. There are 5 different types of Resource values that can be selected. They are –
Text – Only strings are stored in text.
Boolean – true or false values are referred to as Boolean values.
Integer – A type of data that exclusively stores whole numbers.
Secure String- A string type that provides a measure of security which stores data in an encrypted format.
Credential – This type allows us to store a username and password.
Give the description of the Resource in the Description field (NB: optional).
In the Value field, provide the Resource Value in accordance with the type of the Resource value which was selected above.
To update the Resource through RPA Genie Studio using the “Update Resource” activity, the “Editable” toggle button must be enabled for that particular resource in the Bot Manager.