This document will explains about the function Search.Action. This function will returns the action occurred in a search control. This function will returns the value pf previous action occurred, when the function gets called. And the actions will be
Examples and usage
Write the function in a rule to get the previous action occurred in a search control
Then fill the search and trigger any action (here select one row).
Then trigger the rule to find out the action which was occurred in the search grid. And you will get the action which was previously occurred in a message box as we defined in the rule.
You can also use this function to define some conditions. You can set up the rules and actions to be done in the basis action which was occurred in the search control.
For example you can write the rule to change the BG color of the row which you have selected. For that you need to write the decision and actions as below
Here the action to change the Back ground color will executes when an action ‘RowSelect’ is happen