In the DataSource wizard, select the DataSource Type as WebService.
Enter the Title for WebService DataSource.
Add some description to the WebService DataSource
Enter URL for the WebService ( Source server for the DataSource )
Add User Name and User Password for authenticating the DataSource connection.
Select ‘Make it Public’ for the availability of created DataSource across all the sites. User name and Password are not required for this Public Web service.
Click on the save icon to insert or update the DataSource.
A message will pop up indicating the successful insertion.
DataSource deletion
Click on the delete icon to delete DataSource.
A message will pop up indicating the deletion.
Click on the clear icon to clear the fields.
Configure WebService with the form
As shown in figure 11 create a form by Dragging required controls to the form.
Go to the DataSource option on the left side of the Appforms and click on the Create DataSource option.
Select the “WebService” option and Click the Ok button.
Select the configured WebService from which the data needs to be retrieved and click the Next button.
Click on the “Add” button to configure the Select command. Datasource operation can be defined only for ‘Select’ .
Select the DataSource object and Click on the Next button as shown in the Figure below.
Click on the next button.
Enter the control name for the selected DataSource object for XML request. For example in the request XML view, give control name ‘txtZipCode ‘ as Zip .click on the Next Button.
A sample SOAP response shows. Click ‘Next’ to continue.
In the response XML view,Map the required Columns and Click the Next Button. DataSource operation for ‘Select’ is now defined.
Once the Data source operation is defined, it is bound to a control or event that triggers its execution. It is given by ‘Add Trigger’ button. So that the corresponding ExecuteCommand rules will be created with associated trigger.
Created Rule for Selecting the WebService is shown in figure 23.