What is Robotic Process Automation? RPA Explained

Automation has become a transformative element in today’s business world, changing the way businesses operate. Robotic Process Automation is at the forefront of automation that is getting popular across various industries.

While many organizations have embraced this technology, there are still others who have yet to implement it in their field due to many concerns and confusion.

What is Robotic Process Automation?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology in which software bots are used to automate monotonous tasks in a digital environment. Using RPA technology, bots are deployed to seamlessly perform manual and repetitive tasks such as filling out forms, data entry, calculations, etc. 

In robotic process automation, the term ‘robotic’ denotes software bots executing tasks. Here, RPA learns a sequence of events and automates the business process with the least amount of human intervention. 

RPA software 

RPA software refers to software tools used for automation that develop, deploy and manage Robotic Process Automation solutions. These tools provide a platform to create and configure bots for automating business processes. 

UiPath, RPA Genie, and Blue Prism are some of the popular RPA software available in the field.  

What are RPA bots?

Automating repetitive and mundane tasks performed by humans is the main objective of RPA bots. The RPA bots can execute certain tasks independently as well as under the supervision of employees if it is rules-based. 

RPA bots can automate processes, including 

  • Create files and folders. 
  • Setting up and removing apps 
  • Glean data and information from optical character recognition. 
  • Helps transfer data between multiple systems 
  • Filing forms, typing messages, and more. 

 Types of RPA

RPA can be classified into three types: attended automation, unattended automation, and hybrid RPA. 

Attended Automation

Attended automation is a type of RPA that requires human intervention. This sort of automation is done when users are in front of the system. This is used to automate smaller tasks at an individual level. In this scenario, when a human triggers or initiates a process, RPA will execute the tasks. This is mainly used for front-office tasks. 

Unattended Automation

Unattended automation is a type of RPA that does not require human intervention. It is automatically triggered as soon as a computer or server is set up to run the automation process for the user. In effect, unattended automation can execute long and complex processes independently. This is used for tasks such as manual data entry, record maintenance, etc. 

Hybrid RPA  

Hybrid RPA is a combination of both attended and unattended automation. Here, automation tools and the human workforce work together on monotonous tasks. In some scenarios, creativity and decision-making skills will have to be used along with automation tools to bring out the best outcome. In this way, hybrid automation works by providing human input to automation tools. This is used for both front-end and back-end tasks. 

How does Robotic Process Automation Work?

RPA Implementation

Process discovery is the initial stage in automating any task. This involves identifying and understanding the manual and repetitive tasks performed by workers in the organization. Listed below are the steps and stages of RPA implementation : 

Map out the process

The tasks that fit for automation are well-defined and mapped out to learn the workflow and dependencies. This process involves locating input data, actions to be executed, etc. 

Configuration of bots

RPA software helps companies to configure bots to execute specific tasks. These RPA bots are trained to navigate across various applications and perform various actions such as interacting with user interfaces and extracting input data etc. 

Workflow design

RPA software’s user-friendly interface enables users to create automation workflows. These workflows are created by specifying the sequence of actions that the bots will execute. Users can select from pre-built automation components that can be dragged and dropped or they can create custom logic as per the needs. 

Bot execution

After the workflow is set up, bots will execute the defined actions.  

Data and exception handling

RPA bots can handle structured and semi-structured data. These bots can extract data from various sources and validate and populate it into various systems and applications. RPA software is capable of handling exceptions or errors that may happen during automation. 

Monitoring and Analytics

RPA software offers robust monitoring capabilities to track the performance of bots, audit trails, and generate valuable analytics. These features help an organization recognize bottlenecks, measure the efficiency gains and improve the automation process. 

Implementation of RPA can vary based on factors such as the choice of RPA software, the complexity of tasks being automated, and the needs of the organization.

RPA challenges

RPA faces many challenges during planning and implementation. Some of the RPA challenges include resource constraints, lack of infrastructure, high cost of implementation due to lack of skilled resources, etc. Some of these challenges in RPA affect small businesses more than they do for larger enterprises. Picking the right tool is part of solving this problem as it saves much cost in terms of licensing fees, resourcing, maintenance, etc.

Benefits of RPA (Robotic Process Automation)  

Here are some of the key benefits of RPA:

Accuracy and efficiency 

RPA reduces errors and improves task efficiency. 

High productivity  

RPA frees up employees for more high-value activities, increasing productivity. 


RPA reduces operational costs and offers a quick ROI 

Hassle-free automation 

RPA integrates with legacy systems, requiring no changes in code. 

Use cases of Robotic Process Automation 

Let us discuss some of the main use cases of RPA

RPA in Data Entry

RPA bots are good at data entry tasks like extracting data from PDF formats, converting PDF into Word, filling online forms, and simplifying file conversion. 

RPA in Clinical Trials

RPA software is vital in clinical trial processes, matching patient health records with criteria, monitoring progress, and scheduling follow-up appointments.  

RPA in Accounts Payable

RPA streamlines account payable tasks such as invoice processing, payment verification, extracting and validating invoice data, automating purchase orders, etc.


RPA enhances customer service by collecting and giving more information about the customers’ queries and automating data entry and validation processes.  

RPA in Real Estate

RPA automates tasks in real estate like data entry, documentation, property management, and lease administration. 

RPA in Insurance Industry

RPA streamlines policy management, claims processing, underwriting, and data entry in the insurance industry.

RPA in Healthcare

RPA automates appointment scheduling, billing, and patient communication in healthcare. 

RPA in Telecommunication Industry

RPA automates customer onboarding, billing processes, and data access in the telecom sector. 

RPA Tools

How do I choose the right RPA tool? 

First and foremost, we have to keep in mind the objectives and goals of the organization when adopting RPA. Though RPA tools must be chosen based on our requirements, there are some common criteria we can adopt here: 

Ease of implementation 

Since it is a new technology for an organization, it must be easy to implement and integrate with the existing legacy system. Then only can we reduce the downtime and make an easy transition to automation. 

Ease of use 

The tools must be user-friendly and flexible to get on with the basic automation process. It should require only less training to control the RPA system even for employees who lack knowledge of programming 

Technical capabilities  

A company has to look for technical capabilities such as scalability, screen scraping, cognitive capacities, etc. in RPA tools. As RPA bots deal with private and confidential data, standard security features must be available in the tool.  


The RPA tools available on the market differ in their costs based on their features. Hence, you have to choose the tool based on your requirements and affordability. If you run a small organization, it is hard to afford and implement high-featured RPA tools. 

Top Robotic Process Automation RPA Tools

RPA is an advancing field of technology, and many RPA tools are available on the market now. Let us discuss some of the popular RPA tools.

RPA Genie

RPA Genie is a popular RPA tool developed by ClaySys Technologies. It is a great platform with core capabilities of automating all types of monotonous tasks. RPA Genie has been used to automate repetitive tasks in various industries including banking, finance, credit unions etc. 

Blue Prism

As an RPA tool, Blue Prism provides all core capabilities. It supports any platform and works with any application. Though you should have programming skills to use this tool, it is user-friendly for developers.  


UiPath is a popular RPA tool that helps businesses to automate their business processes. It provides well-defined features for managing automation workflow. UiPath provides flexibility in deployment models by supporting attended and unattended automation.  

Automation Anywhere

As a popular RPA tool, Automation Anywhere has powerful automation capabilities that help to automate a wide range of tasks such as desktop automation, web automation, data extraction, etc. It also supports integration with external systems and applications. 

How do RPA and AI relate?

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence is a technology that equips machines to simulate human intelligence and perform intelligent tasks. The application of AI has been evident across various industries and even in our daily lives. Smart gadgets, autonomous cars, and chatbots are some of the use cases of AI in our everyday life

How do RPA and AI relate?

RPA and AI have many things in common. Both are promising technologies that help businesses and organizations with digital transformation. By combining both RPA and AI, we can implement a sophisticated form of automation called intelligent automation. Here, tasks that require human judgment and intelligence can also be automated by integrating RPA and AI technologies such as NLP, ML, etc. 

Robotic Process Automation Vs. Intelligent Automation  

What is intelligent process automation? 

Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) is an automation technology that combines RPA and AI technologies. By bringing together RPA and AI, IPA implements a cognitive level of automation that can handle complex, unstructured, and non-routine tasks. 

RPA vs. IA

Even though both RPA and IA are technologies used for automation, there are some key differences. 

  • RPA automates routine and rule-based tasks using software bots. It mainly handles structured and predictable tasks with a set of rules. However, IA is a more advanced technology for automation that uses RPA and subsets of AI such as NLP, ML, and intelligent document understanding. It can use cognitive capabilities so that IA can handle unstructured, complex tasks that demand human judgment and intelligence. 
  • Another key difference is regarding the ability to learn and adapt to new situations. RPA is designed to perform specific tasks with a predetermined set of rules. Hence, it cannot handle anything beyond what it is programmed to do. However, IA can learn and adapt to new situations, allowing them to handle complex and unpredictable tasks. 

Future of RPA

The future of Robotic Process Automation is going to be all about how RPA tools integrate successfully with other technologies. For instance, the latest trend in automation is intelligent automation (IA). IA is the advanced form of automation that results from combining RPA and AI technologies. This helped the RPA bots go beyond their traditional boundaries of automating only routine and mundane tasks. Here, this integration of two technologies made it possible to add an element of intelligence, and the tasks of a more intelligent nature can be performed successfully. Predictably, an advanced form of intelligent automation will be the future of RPA.

In addition, for the time being, the potential of RPA is fully harnessed by large entities or organizations. Many small and medium-scale industries are not fully receptive to this technology for many reasons. Indeed, it will change gradually, and all sorts of industries, from small-scale to large-scale, will adopt it in their business processes.


As organizations and businesses grow and strive to achieve more, they have to work out strategies and implement them accordingly. Automation and RPA are trends in the domain of technology that have helped employees be more productive and creative. Since mundane tasks in high volume can be easily handled by RPA bots, it ensures that the tasks are error-free, and the employees are able to focus on other intelligent tasks. Of course, RPA technology is evolving, and we are expected to witness its wider and more advanced application in every sector. 

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What are the reasons for the failure of RPA?

RPA is an automation technology that makes the automation of business processes more efficient, error-free, and effective. But it is also possible to fail for several reasons. RPA can fail due to unrealistic goals, choosing non-ideal processes, and its inability to learn and respond to unexpected events. 

What is process mining?

Process mining is used to monitor the execution of the processes in the organization and discover how the processes are performed. This helps us understand the inefficiencies of the processes and point out the places where improvement is required. 

What is hyperautomation?

Hyperautomation is an advanced form of automation that automates as many business processes as possible using different technologies such as RPA, AI, and ML. It automates not just repetitive, rule-based tasks but also complex tasks that require human intelligence to perform the tasks. 

What are the security challenges in RPA?

RPA poses security challenges, including the need for audit logs, supervision of bots, preventing data misuse, and cyber security vulnerabilities related to different layers involved in automation. We always have to be kept on alert to protect against cyber threats. 

Benefits of Robotic Process Automation 


Robots have always been looked at with curiosity and wonder, not just because of their speed and accuracy, but also because of their ability to mimic human actions. We have seen robots doing many things from cleaning to assisting. But have you ever imagined the advantages or benefits they would offer if implemented in areas where human employees fail to give their 100%?  

Well, that’s what we are going to discuss here.  

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)? 

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a cutting-edge technology that facilitates the development, deployment, and control of software bots that imitate human actions and interact with digital systems and software. RPA is one of the newly emerged trending technologies that has already established its position in enhancing the productivity of organizations by utilizing already existing methodologies. It enables automating tedious, mundane, and standardized tasks that were considered to be performed by human workers only. RPA generates productivity and value with minimal investment. 

Basically, RPA can be defined as a ‘software bot’ that allows applications to analyze and interpret processes including data manipulation, initiating transactions, prompting responses, and interacting with multiple digital systems. Within a short period of time, RPA has gained popularity in various business sectors because of the ease it offers in the transaction of a huge volume of data and a number of benefits that no other technological innovation can offer. RPA, when integrated with other technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, can do things that are labeled as unapproachable.   

Benefits of Robotic Process Automation 

As we have discussed what RPA is, it is time to discuss the benefits RPA offers and what makes it stand out among other technologies. Here are some of the major benefits of RPA: 


It has been proven that RPA has helped in reducing the functional cost to 25% – 50%. This is because it demands only a one-time cost for the development and installation, followed by a maintenance charge. For hiring a manual worker there are certain specific charges that need to be paid every month. Manual employees should be given a salary package, overtime payment, insurance, and other benefits. The total cost of installing an RPA bot is still very less when compared to hiring a manual worker. Therefore, it is true that RPA is cost-effective. 

Accuracy and quality  

Good quality work is always appreciated by companies. Finishing a task with high accuracy is very important and rare because humans can make mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. Employees may get tired and may find it difficult to concentrate on a task for a long time. This may lead to errors in the task, which in turn affect the quality of the task assigned. RPA bots are programmed to perform tasks accurately without making errors and with 100% accuracy. They follow the rules correctly and thus do not make any errors. Less error indicates high quality.  

Low technical barriers  

RPA is very simple and can be easily handled even by non-technical programmers. It does not require proficiency in software technology or technical expertise. 

High scalability  

Scalability is a feature of RPA. It can be adapted according to the changing needs of the business. RPA enables businesses to easily scale activities upwards or downwards as required, thus ensuring companies make changes from time to time. 

High operational efficiency and productivity  

Unlike manual laborers, RPA bots can function 24/7 without any break. Human workers require regular intervals to take rest because our body is not designed to function the whole day long. Since RPA bots display high operational efficiency due to their speed, accuracy, and quality, they automatically increase the productivity of an organization. 

Better customer experience  

Since all the tasks are performed with high efficiency and accuracy, clients get the output they desire for. RPA takes very little time to complete tasks and deliver high-quality services. This takes the customer satisfaction level to a greater extent. Moreover, robotic automation assists customers to perform certain tasks by themselves with the help of chatbots. It also helps in eliminating customer pain; for example, customers may face problems while applying for loans – filling different forms, submitting documents, verification, approval, loan status – with RPA, the whole procedure will be completed within a few days due to absence of multiple human touchpoints. 

Increased employee productivity  

RPA bots take up routine and time-consuming tasks performed by manual workers. Robotic Process Automation not only frees the employees from boring tasks but also enables them to concentrate on tasks that actually require human intelligence.  

Increased ROI  

Once you have implemented RPA, you will see a spike in Return on Investment with a decrease in functional cost. While most of the IT advancements make you wait for an increase in ROI, RPA aims to deliver results within a short period of time. 

Easy integration  

It is very easy to integrate RPA with existing systems. There are certain technologies that need complete replacement of the entire working system for smooth integration. Moreover, RPA bots can be integrated with multiple systems at the same time.  

Business sectors using RPA 

RPA is not specific or limited to any business sector. It can be implemented wherever automation is necessary. Some of the major sectors that use RPA include: 

  • Education sector 
  • Human Resources 
  • Manufacturing 
  • Insurance  
  • Banking and finance 
  • Health care
  • Customer care 
  • E-commerce 
  • Oil and gas industry, etc. 

Wrap Up 

Though RPA has been introduced to reduce the workload of human laborers, it has been misinterpreted as a ‘job taker’. Many believe that Robotic Process Automation is aimed at replacing manual workers with bots to increase productivity and efficiency. It is true that the efficiency and functionality of RPA bots cannot be compared with human workers but they are not intended to replace human workers. The creativity and intelligence of humans are essential to perform many other complex tasks. RPA enables companies from different industries to complete various tasks in less time and at a low cost. They are capable of providing the necessary requirements for your company to take your business to the next level in no time.  

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How Can Chatbots Be Used Efficiently In Banking

Over the past decade, Online Banking has significantly evolved and has increased in popularity among customers. Due to this reason, banks are held at higher standards when it comes to building a better business-customer relationship. While there are many possible solutions, the most recent one to improve operational efficiency is chatbots! 

What Are Chatbots in Banking?

A chatbot, sometimes called a bot, is a computer program created to stimulate a conversation with a human being through websites, messaging applications, telephones, or mobile apps. The banking industry started using chatbots in the early 2000s through standard text messaging. When given specific commands, these chatbots can do fundamental tasks like checking an account balance. 

How to build chatbots for banks?

Since chatbots are software programs, these can be programmed to any level of smartness. Depending on your requirements, you could create a simple button-based chatbot or a very advanced AI-powered contextual chatbot. 

A chatbot whose primary function is to fetch statements, account balances, or even transfer money would not require AI. However, AI is needed in cases where you need a purely conversational chatbot, and these should be trained with many data.

You can create a chatbot from scratch by setting up your own NLP, or you could go for a third-party bot service that could help you set up your chatbot.

No matter which type of chatbot you go for, you would need these essential elements to build well-functioning chatbots in banking:

  • Rich actionable messaging
  • Security
  • Natural Language Processing
  • A chat interface that will allow customers to make conversations with the chatbot.

Top use cases for chatbots in the banking sector

Chatbots in banking are used for multiple purposes. Chatbots would be present in any area where a conversation is essential. A few use cases where chatbots are necessary for banking are:

Information delivery

Chatbots can efficiently deliver general information that users would require. These are simply like FAQs that are provided over chats by the bots. Using these information providers, customers will be able to open a new account in no time, get locations to the nearest ATMs, solve general credit card problems, and more!

Customer support

Chatbots have evolved tremendously in the area of customer support over the past years. Chatbots can now solve general user queries faster and efficiently, making them an indispensable part of the customer support space.

Back-office tasks 

Chatbots can be a very efficient helper in back-office tasks as well. An example of this is JP Morgan Chase’s COIN, which helps their team read complex contracts and analyze them quickly. The chatbots are quicker and more accurate than human lawyers. 

How can chatbots be used efficiently in banking?

The best possible solution that can be implemented soon is to integrate the good from both the chatbots and the humans; the empathy and cognizance of humans and the speed, accuracy, and eternal availability of chatbots. Here is how you could efficiently use chatbots in banking:

  • Leverage agility, speed, and 24 x 7 availability of chatbots to provide answers to basic FAQs, saving hundreds of man-hours and resources.
  • Let chatbots handle simple customer queries and have few human support agents for complex questions.
  • Feed essential data from the past customers’ conversations where the chatbots failed so that the chatbot learns to solve the same queries in the future. 

Chatbots in banking: How they improve customer experience?

Progress of Personal Banking

The introduction of chatbots in customer service has revolutionized personal banking to some extent. Chatbots reduce customer waiting time and specific paperwork, allowing the bank to help solve customer queries faster and provide personalized services while saving much time for both the employees and the customers.

Powerful Automated Customer Service

Chatbots are extremely helpful in data analysis, detection of fraud, and data capture. Since bots are used nearly everywhere, these can help identify problems initially and help keep customers updated about their accounts. 

More reasons to consider chatbots for customer service

A few advantages of chatbots in the banking sector are:

  • Chatbots work extremely fast.
  • They can help customers round the clock and can work 24*7, all year.
  • Chatbots can lead to substantial cost savings in the company.
  • Chatbots help save time by solving basic customer queries, so the customer support employees have more time to focus on complex questions.
  • Chatbots will provide users with a more personalized experience.

Some of the key points to remember while building a chatbot

  • The level of smartness of the chatbots depends on the way they are programmed. The better they are programmed, the better their output will be.
  • Chatbots might face troubles when handling multiple dialects and languages.
  • Gathering and cleaning relevant data and then training the chatbot to make it more efficient can be a very lengthy process.

Examples of banking bots around the world

Most leading banks in the world have begun using chatbots nowadays for their primary tasks. 

Erica (Bank of America)

Bank of America, a US banking industry leader, has recently introduced Erica, their new virtual financial assistant, AI-driven. Erica helps the users lock/unlock their cards, check their account summaries, keep up with their e-bills, and solve other popular basic queries. Erica is advanced enough to take not just texts but voice inputs as well!

Eno (Capital One)

A text-based chatbot, known as Eno, was introduced by Capital One, trained to accommodate all their customers. Eno helps the clients monitor charges, detect fraud, answer basic queries, and even track expenditures. 

COIN (J.P. Morgan Chase)

J.P. Morgan Chase uses their chatbots for an entirely different purpose – their chatbots are used for streamlining operations in the back-office section. Their virtual assistance, COIN, help them quickly review highly complex loan-agreement documents. COIN has a minimal error rate and saves the team about 360,000 man-hours every year!

Chatbots are a fantastic option to solve many of your customers’ problems, and technology only keeps developing! Chatbots are bound to get smarter with significant advances in Machine Learning and AI and will be our way forward!

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What Is Call Center Fraud And How To Prevent It?

Call center fraud occurs when an individual contacts an organization’s call center, pretending to be someone; they are not. The aim is to access the information of the organization’s customers. According to some studies, the incidence of call center fraud in the US alone has risen by 30% since 2013. Criminals contact the call center with specific information on a customer to gain complete control of their account or to create a new account in someone else’s name. Call center fraud is not isolated to any one field or industry but is instead prevalent in any organization that has call centers.

How Does Call Center Fraud Work?

While there are many ways in which call center fraud transpires, there are a few common tactics that criminals will fall back on.

How Does Call Center Fraud Work?
  • Migration of Records: During a merger between two organizations or a move of the headquarter, the records of existing customers are unorganized and disrupted. Perpetrators can take advantage of this small window of chaos to gain access to customers’ accounts and make changes such that it benefits them.
  • Human Error: In a call center, the only thing between an imposter imitating as a client and the accounts is a very human call center operator. These operators are trained to help customers and provide a solution that leads to their satisfaction. Criminals know this and use frustration as a tactic to manipulate the call center operators into giving them access to a wide range of information.
  • Authentication: Cybersecurity has come a long way since its inception and is increasingly difficult for criminals to crack. However, telephonic security is still stuck in a bygone era. Call centers routinely use authentication systems that are archaic and extremely easy to hack.
  • IVR: Interactive Voice Response systems are even more natural to crack since the authentication system they use is basic. Criminals can easily find the necessary information and exploit the IVR to change PINs, get new debit cards sent to different addresses, and more.

How To Prevent Call Center Fraud?

For such a complicated situation as call center fraud, the solution, too, needs to be multi-layered. No one single action can halt call center fraud in its tracks. Here are a few different ways in which call center fraud can be stopped.

How To Prevent Call Center Fraud?
  • Employee training: One of the most critical areas that need to be addressed is the lack of awareness most call center operatives have, on the issue of fraud. Employees need to be well-trained in the various security procedures and policies to stay vigilant.
  • Authentication: Organizations should focus much of their energy on using new and improved methods of authentication. Systems codes sent to the registered email or mobile number can significantly increase security.
  • Sensitive Transactions: Some types of transactions should be limited or denied in place of further authorization or authentication. This includes a change in address.
  • Voice Biometrics: Using voice biometrics could be the new gold standard in security procedures for call centers. It relies on the voice of the customer and not on any other information that could be obtained by criminals.
    Organizations could choose to use Text-dependent voice biometrics where a customer has to say a predetermined sentence. The new phase of this technology, however, is moving towards text-independent, where the system will be able to recognize a customer’s voice without having to hear a particular set of words.


Call center fraud is a constant and genuine menace that companies and individuals are continually trying to fight. It is a real threat that can jeopardize organizations financially and institutionally in a grave sense. While being cautious about sharing information over the phone to call center representatives is crucial, it is also equally important for companies to train their representatives and consumers to be aware of this threat by using voice biometrics, authentication techniques, and regular employee training.

It is also essential for consumers to understand what information is considered sensitive. This is why a lot of banks have started sending messages on their IVR, stating CVV, OTP, and other codes should not be shared even with their representatives. Similar educational means are needed to help combat fraud through call centers.

The crucial issue with call center fraud is prevention. The most significant problem with call center fraud is that once it takes place, finding a resolution that helps both the consumer and company is rare. These frauds usually take place with clients that are easier to manipulate, such as senior citizens. Companies must ensure adequate monitoring of their employees and client backgrounds and launch educational campaigns with these clients in mind as well. Training should include the legal ramifications of fraudulent activity as well as a clear example of what this activity means.

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The TreeView Control in ClaySys AppForms

 ClaySys AppForms V 2.5

The Treeview control will allow the end users to create a menu of navigation to different forms. This new control can also invoke rules in the same form. This post is to explain the functionalities of the Treeview control.

Tree View Configuration

1. Drag the Tree View control under the Navigation option in Toolbox into the form.

2. Click on the Tree View control in the form and then click Properties.


3. Choose Data Source for Tree View item/s by clicking the icon NewItem32 under Data Source.


Tree View Static Data Source Configuration

1. Select Static and Click on OK button in Data Source window and the Tree View Configuration form opens. The Tree View Configuration form has the following fields.

  • Tree View Builder: The left pane in the window (marked Blue in the image) where nodes can be added.
  • Id: A unique Id for the Nodes added in the Tree View Area is assigned automatically.
  • Name: A meaningful string for the node created.
  • Is Separator: Not required for Tree View.
  • Image: An image can be added for the node added by clicking on the NewItem30 icon though the Image Viewer window that pops up.


  • Enable: The node added can be either enabled /disabled by choosing the checkbox.
  • Visible: A node added can be made visible /invisible by choosing the checkbox.
  • Sort Id: When there is more than one node available a positive number can be entered for the nodes according to which they will be ordered in the Tree View.
  • Navigation URL: To provide navigation to a form from a Tree View item choose Navigation URL by clicking NewItem28.

o   A NavigateURLChildWindow opens from which a form (destination form on clicking the tree view item) can be chosen.


o   Change Title: The name of the form can be changed by choosing this option.
o   Form Name: This drop down box has the name of the form chosen.
o   Field Name: This drop down box contains all the controls available in the form selected.
o   Result Field: This drop down box shows the fields available in the current form.
o   Add: Click on Add button to map the parameters from the parent form to child form.
o   OK: Click on OK button to create the form selected as the form to which the Tree View item is directed to.
o   Cancel: Click on Cancel button to cancel all the actions performed.
  • OK: Click on OK button to apply the changes made in the Tree View Configuration form.
  • Cancel: Click on Cancel button to cancel the changes made in the Tree View Configuration form.

2. To add a tree view item right click on the tree view area and select Add Root Node.

3. To add child node/s to the added Root node, right click on the Root node and choose Add Node.

The context menu of a node has the following options:

  • Cut Node: A node can be cut by choosing this option.
  • Cut Node Tree: When there is a node with child nodes right click on the parent node of the child nodes and select cut Node tree to cut the entire tree including parent and child nodes.
  • Copy Node: An individual node can be copied by choosing this option.
  • Copy Node Tree: To copy an entire tree consisting of parent and child nodes click on the parent node and choose copy tree.
  • Paste: Cut/Copied node/node trees can be pasted on the Tree View Builder using this option.
  • Delete Node: An individual node can be deleted by choosing this option.
  • Delete Node Tree: A tree consisting of parent and child nodes can be deleted using this option.

In the images below, three root nodes are created namely Home, File and View. The File node has four child nodes –New, Open, Save, Save As with images assigned to three of them. The Save As node has its Visible checkbox disabled as a result of which it is not seen in the Preview. The New node has its Enable check box unchecked and thus shown as disabled in Preview.


Tree View SQL Data Source Configuration

1. Select the required data source from the data source screen.

2. Select the table from where the data needs to be filled.

3. Select criteria if any.

4. Map the Id, Key, Text and Parent ID

a. Id should be mapped to the unique Id columns for the data which is related to the parent id column for its child control.
b. Key should be mapped to the column which is the value member for the tree view item. If this is not mapped then the Id is taken as the value member.
c. Text should be mapped to the column which is the display member for the tree view item.
d. Parent id should be mapped to the column having its parent id.
e. Now continue with the wizard and click Finish.

5. Now continue with the wizard and click Finish.

6. Once data is configured the tree view control will be populated with SQL data once we call FillData(TreeViewControlID) from rules.

Tree View SP Data Source Configuration

1. The SP configuration for tree view control is same as that of other group controls like ComboBox,CheckBox Group etc. Except for the column mapping screen shown below:

a. Id should be mapped to the unique Id columns for the result data which is related to the parent id column for its child control.
b. Key should be mapped to the column which is the value member for the tree view item. If this is not mapped then the Id is taken as the value member.
c. Text should be mapped to the column which is the display member for the tree view item.
d. Parent id should be mapped to the column having its parent id.

2. Once data is configured the tree view control will be populated with SP data once we call FillData(TreeViewControlID) from rules.

3. For SQL and SP the tree will be a simple tree without Image/Visible/Enable bindings compared to static data source.


HTML Preview: NewItem16

Tree View Event Handling

The Tree View click event can be handled using rules. If you want some actions to be performed on clicking a Tree View item the below steps would help you do so.

Create a rule with the Tree View control as the trigger.

As you can see from screenshots we are comparing the Node ID in the decision to check for which node the user have clicked.


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