When The World Is Firing, ClaySys Is Hiring

“Every crisis is also an opportunity,” Yuval Noah Harari.

When Coronavirus reared its ugly head, the world began to face an unprecedented crisis that it has ever witnessed. Since the pandemic hit the whole world, people remained indoors, and many uncertainties began to stare at them. Job insecurity acted as the main villain in the long list of their worries, and layoffs seemed to be the order of the day. Even if the world has returned to normalcy, the trend is yet to be reversed. 

But ClaySys has shown an aberration in the trend by hiring more against the wave of layoffs and furloughs. This year alone,  ClaySys has hired 15% more than its regular intake, and the organization is set to add around 2,000 employees to its workforce within a year. 

For the last few years, many organizations have shown an unwillingness to expand and have zeroed in on their core functions. But ClaySys has taken an unwavering stance to stride against the tide by moving into various fields other than technology-related services, including BPO, healthcare, restaurants, etc. 

We continue to hire against the existing vacancies for software developers, AppForms developers, project coordinators, software test engineers, and .NET developers. 

By matching your potential and talents, we can offer you the best workspace that ensures your professional growth and success in a highly-spirited environment. 

Review our open positions and apply now

Robotics Process Automation in Accounts Payable

Do you know which is the most challenging business area in the whole industry? It is none other than financial management and accounting, Accounts Payable specifically. The reason is that the majority of the accounting departments in various organizations depend on manual human resources and paper invoices to process payments. This is also the same reason why Accounts Payable (AP) is one of the most commonly targeted areas of robotic process automation (RPA) in the finance sector. AP demonstrates a perfect match on the basis of high volume, transactional, repetitive processes, and operations. This article describes how RPA has been implemented in organizations for accounts payable, the processes/ operations they aim to use in this technology (use cases), and the advantages of using RPA in AP. 

RPA in accounts payable – Use Cases 

RPA is employed in accounts payable for the following purposes; 

Invoice approvals or matching

Invoices of accounts payable are received from various routes like e-mail, fax, or vendor website portal, which must either require the approval of the head of the finance department or have to be matched with the purchase order associated with it. It is incredibly strategic to maintain track of invoice or invoice status. This whole process needs innumerable email threads and paperwork. It also requires precision, consistency, and attention – using human resources in the process can lead to huge mistakes that cost a lot. With automated bots, the invoices can be directed automatically to the right person with reminders about the time limit for sending invoices. Likewise, organizations should also be given another priority to use algorithms to automate purchase order matching, equate invoices to their POs quickly, and flag inconsistencies for further review. 

Payment execution  

Once the payment is accepted, the invoice makes the online bank payment and reaches the person who processes it. Employees and staff who are dealing with this process must have clear visibility on all payment dates, including advance payment discount deadlines. It is a difficult task to keep track of these timelines, with the processing of multiple invoices on a weekly or monthly basis across various organizations. With automation of the payment execution process, authorized payments can be scheduled and sent by the due date automatically. Accounts Payable automation also enables enterprises with only one central place to select the payment option of their choice, simplify the payment process, and avoid the risk associated with every payment. 

Better vendor management  

Many huge and international companies work with hundreds of different providers, using multiple payment options, and various credit rules. By implementing RPA, you can ensure that every bill is paid and up to date. When two departments within a company are involved in transactions, automation of Accounts Payable solutions can be of great help. RPA makes sure that such transactions are precisely tracked so that payments are received from the right budget lines without minimizing or making overpayments to the vendor. 

Fraud detection  

Identifying any irregularity in data patterns can result in easier and faster detection of fraudulent activities through transparent invoice processing. Standardized workflows via robotic process automation distinguish irregularities clearly and make them noticeable. This helps to catch them and resolve them quickly. 

RPA in accounts payable – Benefits 

As we have discussed the use cases, here come the benefits of implementing RPA in Accounts Payable; 

Better Compliance  

Manual processing of accounts payable creates a lot of pressure on the employees who make the purchase order (PO), and they interrupt the overall process by not giving confirmation receipts for the goods and services accidentally. By getting help from robotic process automation service providers, organizations can create and send an automatic alert to the creator of purchase orders with the goal of maintaining any hold on the process if the PO is lost. 

Error removal  

Capturing data manually in the AP workflow is a tedious and laborious task that automatically leads to errors in the data provided on an accounts payable system. Robotic process automation can significantly enhance the process by capturing automated invoice data, thereby saving the costs of multiple errors. RPA systems are designed to be compatible with invoices at every level, so the invoice will be moved to the approval stage if the entire data is correct. 


A significant benefit of the Robotic Process Automation workflow is that it is highly and totally scalable as it has proved to be reusable across various industries, sectors, and locations. Whether it is a current state of growth or an add-on variation in the workload of accounts payable to be considered, RPA bots can be reassigned to busy queues quickly, depending on the individual circumstances of an organization. 


By implementing RPA software to undertake various invoice data entries and previously outsourced responsibilities, businesses can benefit significantly from RPA. In addition, organizations have been given the advantage of early payment discounts by suppliers, as a result of shortening the RPA standard invoice life cycle. Automation of such tasks will eliminate the need to pay late payment penalties, which are more likely to be manual actions. 

Faster account reconciliation  

Closing and Reconciling account books is a lengthy and difficult process as it includes input given by employees. Since software bots can be employed to handle small decisions, automate data transfer, and resolve inaccuracies, the use of RPA on accounts payable can make the process easier. This will minimize the risk of human error and make the accounting process faster and more precise. 

Better customer satisfaction  

Implementing RPA assures the availability of accounting services 365 days a year, regardless of the employee’s vacation or sick days. Automation of Accounts Payable enables organizations to provide better customer service and achieve a more competitive edge in the industry. 

Wrap Up 

Robotic Process Automation technology can be employed smoothly in existing systems and combined with the data available, which reduces the hassle of any organization’s current IT infrastructure. Implementation of RPA in the AP will minimize manual interference, increase the accuracy of data on key accounting systems, automatically evaluate clients, send invoices, and reduce human errors if you ensure that processes are evaluated appropriately. 

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Types of Biometrics 


Biometrics refers to the measure of biological or behavioral characteristics that helps in identifying individuals. The biometric system, on the other hand, analyzes a person’s physical or behavioral traits and recognizes whether the individual is a genuine or fake user. Fingerprints and facial recognition are the most commonly known biometrics but there are other various types of biometrics used as security features to identify and authenticate people. Biometrics are designed in different forms and for different purposes including security, fraud prevention, gaining access, and many more. Moreover, there has been rapid development in the software used to gather biometric data.  

Types of biometrics 

As mentioned before, there are different kinds of biometrics that mainly fall under 2 categories: physiological biometrics and behavioral biometrics. Let us take a deep dive into them: 

Physiological Biometrics 

Physiological biometrics are taking an individual’s physical characteristics as an input to recognize identity. 


This is one of the most commonly used and oldest forms of biometrics and it uses the measurement of your unique finger ridges to identify an individual. Once the print is captured, the image is used to obtain a specific digital biometric template with the help of advanced algorithms. The template is analogized with existing or new scans to identify the match. 

Finger/hand veins  

The blood vessels under the skin of a human finger or hand have a unique pattern (formed by the veins and vessels that take blood to the heart) and this authentication technology works on the unique pattern formed by the veins and vessels. The infrared lights penetrate the skin, where they get imbibed into the deoxygenated blood and a specific cam device captures the digitized picture of the data and then saves or uses it to verify identity. All this makes it harder to hack this scan. 

Iris recognition  

The color and pattern of the iris vary in individuals. The pattern of the iris and color is different for each individual. It is the colored part of the eye with a circular opening circular in the center. The muscles that shape the pupil of the eye authorize the passage of light into the eye. The identity of an individual can be verified accurately by the biometric devices as they take measurements of the unique muscle folds in the eye.  

Facial recognition  

Another commonly used and oldest form of biometrics. This technology requires only a digital camera and facial recognition software. Facial recognition software takes measurements of the face like the distance between both eyes, the distance between forehead and cheekbones, etc. Once the data is collected, a sophisticated algorithm converts it into a facial sign that is encrypted. Facial recognition only requires a digital camera and facial recognition software. 

Voice recognition  

Voice recognition technology comes under both types of biometric authentication – behavioral and physiological. Physiologically, the sound emitted by an individual helps in identifying the shape of the vocal tract, such as the nose, mouth, and trachea. When it comes to the biological side, the pronunciation, variations in tone, movement, etc. are taken into account. After combining data from both biometric types, a precise vocal signature is created. In this type, there are chances for inconsistencies due to sickness or many other factors. 

DNA matching  

Human DNA contains information about lineage, race, and health conditions for specific diseases. DNA matching uses the personal physical sample of an individual with his/her consent and is employed as a tool for personal identification to authenticate his/her identity. It is the only existing type of biometrics that is capable of tracing family origin or bloodline. In this method, the personal samples collected include saliva, hair, semen, and blood that contains STRs (Short Tandem Repeat sequences) which confirms the identity of a person after making a comparison between other STRs in the database. 

Behavioral biometrics 

Behavioral biometrics studies and measures behavior patterns or body functions. Here are some of the behavioral biometric forms: 


Gait refers to a mix of cyclical and coordinated movements that cause a person to move. Human gait is considered a unique feature to recognize a familiar person. Gate Biometrics maps patterns through computer-based imaging and then converts the recorded data into an arithmetic problem. This type of biometric is the best option for large-scale surveillance as it can easily recognize distant people. 

Lip movement  

Just as a deaf person tracks the movement of the lips to interpret what people are saying, biometric lip movement authentication analyzes and maps the movements of the muscles around the lips precisely, to identify if they are following the desired pattern. Such lip motion sensors often ask users to pronounce passwords and record associated lip movement to facilitate access. 

Signature recognition  

This biometric measures factors such as pressure exerted on the pen, spatial dimensions, and pen stroke in applications (offline and online). The measurements are tracked by a digital tablet and generate a biometric profile automatically using the data, for future authentication. 


Keystroke Dynamics records the rhythm while entering a password. It measures the time taken to click each key, the delay between keys, and the number of characters typed in minutes. Keystroke patterns improve security and take basic passwords to another level.  

Wrap up 

Every person is unique as well as different. Even if takes identical twins as an example, they also have behavioral patterns and physical characteristics that make them unique. Biometric technology uses these unique characteristics for identity verification and security enhancement. Since biometric access control systems have carriers of information with them, it offers great convenience for users as information will not be lost or forged. Different from the password and username combination, it is very difficult to initiate unauthorized access to documents or data if you are using biometric credentials such as face recognition, or fingerprint scan. This can avoid data breaches to a longer extent and that makes biometric systems very much more reliable than any other security option. These different types of biometrics make it simpler, faster, and more precise to secure identity verification. 

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Benefits of Robotic Process Automation 


Robots have always been looked at with curiosity and wonder, not just because of their speed and accuracy, but also because of their ability to mimic human actions. We have seen robots doing many things from cleaning to assisting. But have you ever imagined the advantages or benefits they would offer if implemented in areas where human employees fail to give their 100%?  

Well, that’s what we are going to discuss here.  

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)? 

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a cutting-edge technology that facilitates the development, deployment, and control of software bots that imitate human actions and interact with digital systems and software. RPA is one of the newly emerged trending technologies that has already established its position in enhancing the productivity of organizations by utilizing already existing methodologies. It enables automating tedious, mundane, and standardized tasks that were considered to be performed by human workers only. RPA generates productivity and value with minimal investment. 

Basically, RPA can be defined as a ‘software bot’ that allows applications to analyze and interpret processes including data manipulation, initiating transactions, prompting responses, and interacting with multiple digital systems. Within a short period of time, RPA has gained popularity in various business sectors because of the ease it offers in the transaction of a huge volume of data and a number of benefits that no other technological innovation can offer. RPA, when integrated with other technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, can do things that are labeled as unapproachable.   

Benefits of Robotic Process Automation 

As we have discussed what RPA is, it is time to discuss the benefits RPA offers and what makes it stand out among other technologies. Here are some of the major benefits of RPA: 


It has been proven that RPA has helped in reducing the functional cost to 25% – 50%. This is because it demands only a one-time cost for the development and installation, followed by a maintenance charge. For hiring a manual worker there are certain specific charges that need to be paid every month. Manual employees should be given a salary package, overtime payment, insurance, and other benefits. The total cost of installing an RPA bot is still very less when compared to hiring a manual worker. Therefore, it is true that RPA is cost-effective. 

Accuracy and quality  

Good quality work is always appreciated by companies. Finishing a task with high accuracy is very important and rare because humans can make mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. Employees may get tired and may find it difficult to concentrate on a task for a long time. This may lead to errors in the task, which in turn affect the quality of the task assigned. RPA bots are programmed to perform tasks accurately without making errors and with 100% accuracy. They follow the rules correctly and thus do not make any errors. Less error indicates high quality.  

Low technical barriers  

RPA is very simple and can be easily handled even by non-technical programmers. It does not require proficiency in software technology or technical expertise. 

High scalability  

Scalability is a feature of RPA. It can be adapted according to the changing needs of the business. RPA enables businesses to easily scale activities upwards or downwards as required, thus ensuring companies make changes from time to time. 

High operational efficiency and productivity  

Unlike manual laborers, RPA bots can function 24/7 without any break. Human workers require regular intervals to take rest because our body is not designed to function the whole day long. Since RPA bots display high operational efficiency due to their speed, accuracy, and quality, they automatically increase the productivity of an organization. 

Better customer experience  

Since all the tasks are performed with high efficiency and accuracy, clients get the output they desire for. RPA takes very little time to complete tasks and deliver high-quality services. This takes the customer satisfaction level to a greater extent. Moreover, robotic automation assists customers to perform certain tasks by themselves with the help of chatbots. It also helps in eliminating customer pain; for example, customers may face problems while applying for loans – filling different forms, submitting documents, verification, approval, loan status – with RPA, the whole procedure will be completed within a few days due to absence of multiple human touchpoints. 

Increased employee productivity  

RPA bots take up routine and time-consuming tasks performed by manual workers. Robotic Process Automation not only frees the employees from boring tasks but also enables them to concentrate on tasks that actually require human intelligence.  

Increased ROI  

Once you have implemented RPA, you will see a spike in Return on Investment with a decrease in functional cost. While most of the IT advancements make you wait for an increase in ROI, RPA aims to deliver results within a short period of time. 

Easy integration  

It is very easy to integrate RPA with existing systems. There are certain technologies that need complete replacement of the entire working system for smooth integration. Moreover, RPA bots can be integrated with multiple systems at the same time.  

Business sectors using RPA 

RPA is not specific or limited to any business sector. It can be implemented wherever automation is necessary. Some of the major sectors that use RPA include: 

  • Education sector 
  • Human Resources 
  • Manufacturing 
  • Insurance  
  • Banking and finance 
  • Health care
  • Customer care 
  • E-commerce 
  • Oil and gas industry, etc. 

Wrap Up 

Though RPA has been introduced to reduce the workload of human laborers, it has been misinterpreted as a ‘job taker’. Many believe that Robotic Process Automation is aimed at replacing manual workers with bots to increase productivity and efficiency. It is true that the efficiency and functionality of RPA bots cannot be compared with human workers but they are not intended to replace human workers. The creativity and intelligence of humans are essential to perform many other complex tasks. RPA enables companies from different industries to complete various tasks in less time and at a low cost. They are capable of providing the necessary requirements for your company to take your business to the next level in no time.  

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