Application Settings Variables

ClaySys AppForms 1.0

Application Settings variables are mainly used when a default value set by the user is to be maintained throughout the application. On clicking Application Settings under the Data Entry section the following form is displayed:


The Application Settings page has the following contents:

There are three buttons on the Application Settings form below the Application Settings title:
  • Save: On clicking this button the Application Settings with provided Key is saved and displayed in the Application Settings grid below.
  • Delete: On clicking this button a saved Application Settings Key from the Application Settings grid can be deleted.
  • Clear: On clicking this button data entered in the text boxes can be cleared.

There are three text boxes for data entry:

  • Key: A meaningful variable name which can be used throughout the application.
  • Value: Enter a value of the key defined.
  • Description: Enter description of the key defined.

An Application Settings grid with Key, Value, Description columns which displays all the defined keys with their Value and Description is provided at the bottom of the form.
In this example an Application Settings Key (Company) with its Value (QAPP) is defined and viewed in the Application Settings grid as in figure below:


Example Flow:

  1. Create an Application Settings Key, its Value and save it.
  2. Create a form “AppForm” with a label “lblappsettings”.
  3. In the rules section, add a rule named “appsettingsRule”. This rule is created to display the Application Settings Value in “lblappsettings” as in figure below.
  4. Add an action to the rule lblappsettings.Value=AppSettings(Company).
  5. Attach trigger as FormLoad.


The figure below displays the Value of Application Settings Key set.


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Session Variables in ClaySys AppForms

ClaySys AppForms 1.0

Session variables are used for carrying on a common value in multiple forms of a tenant. On clicking Session Variables under the Data Entry section the following form is displayed :


Variable Name: Enter the name of the session variable to be created.

There are three buttons on the Session Variables form, below the Session Variables title:

  • Save: On clicking this button the Session Variable with provided Variable Name is saved and displayed in the list below.
  • Delete: On clicking this button a saved Session Variable from the list can be deleted.
  • Clear: On clicking this button data entered in the text box is cleared.

A Session Variables grid with Variable Name column exists, which displays all the defined Session Variables with their Variable Names.



In this example a Session Variable with its Variable Name Sessionvar1 is defined and viewed in the list column Variable Name as in figure.

Example Flow:

  1. This flow is provided to give a basic idea about the use of session variable created.
  2. Create a session variable with Variable Name ‘Sessionvar1’ and save it.
  3. Create a form “SessionForm” with a textbox “txtsession” and button “btnok”.
  4. In the rules section, add a rule named “sessionRule”. This rule is created to assign a value to the session variable Sessionvar1 and displays the Sessionvar1 in a Message box on clicking the OK button as in figure.
  5. Add an action to the rule Session (Sessionvar1)=txtsession.Value.
  6. Add an action with Messagebox(Session(Sessionvar1)).
  7. Add the trigger as btnOK.


When the button OK is clicked the session variable assigned is displayed in the Messagebox of the form named “SessionForm” as shown in figure below.


  1. Create another form “Sessiontest” with a textbox “txtsestest” and button “btnok”.
  2. In the rules section, add a rule named “sessiontestRule”. This rule is created to display the value of session variable ‘Sessionvar1’on clicking the OK button as shown in figure below.
  3. Add an action to the rule txtsestest.Value= Session(Sessionvar1).
  4. Add the trigger as btnok.


When the button OK is clicked the session variable assigned through the form “SessionForm” is displayed in the textbox of the form named “Sessiontest” as shown.


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