Artificial Intelligence

Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life

Mubarak Musthafa | Last Updated on : May 23, 2024

Artificial Intelligence In Everyday Life

The applications of artificial intelligence (AI) are numerous because this area is continuously evolving day by day. Artificial intelligence refers to technology that educates machines to think, analyze, and learn from data in order to make intelligent decisions. It dominates the world of technology with the promise of bringing many impossibilities more realistic every day.  

Although the engineering and medical fields rely on AI to a greater extent, it has been used widely even in our day-to-day activities directly or indirectly. Here we are going to discuss several examples of artificial intelligence which are a part of our daily lives today. Let’s dive more into some of the best examples of artificial intelligence in everyday life. 

Examples of AI in everyday life 

Face recognition  

Most people use the face recognition feature in their Android or iPhone as it is one of the best safety features available on your device. Moreover, it is easy to use and does not ask for patterns or passcodes when you are in a hurry. This easy and smart feature is the result of artificial intelligence. Humans recognize their co-existing species with their face and voice biometrics, similarly, the AI facial recognition feature uses different types of biometrics to identify a person. This machine learning (ML) technology allows AI to study and save the facial coordinates of a human face from recognizing the user.  

Smart cars  

With the increase in the number of accident cases, many might have dreamt about cars that save drivers and passengers from getting killed. A car that drives on its own stops at traffic signals, takes turns and difficult roads carefully – all that we thought of as a dream has come to reality because of AI. Tesla has already laid its hands on self-driving cars and there are almost 500,000 – tesla automatic cars running in the United States, which is supposed to become double by the coming year. The machine learning capabilities of AI have made the idea of fully automated cars possible. These automated cars are programmed to stop at signals, slow down or stop whenever an obstacle is detected, control the speed limit, etc. 

Digital assistants  

Who wouldn’t want to have an assistant do certain tasks or activities that can be controlled using a fingertip? Digital assistants serve the purpose for you. Sometimes you may want to hear soothing music but you may not have the energy to find it and play from your playlist, then there are situations in which you don’t want to get up and turn the fan or air conditioner off or on. This is exactly what digital assistants can do. They will do all such things for you just with a command. You just need to tell them to switch on the fan or play music or turn off the light and they will simply follow your instructions. Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri are the two best examples of this far-fetched technology. They not only understand our commands but also respond to our queries or questions, make appointments, manage calls, send emails, set alarms, etc. They keep analyzing and learning from interactions in order to deliver improved customer experiences based on our preferences and search history. 

Entertainment and social apps  

Social media platforms are using AI to give a customized experience to users. One of the best examples is the friend suggestions we receive on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms. These apps show a list of people we might know or those who are on our contact list. How do apps get such information? How do they know that we know the people in the suggestions? Well, that is the magic of artificial intelligence. AI and ML evaluate your usage patterns and recognize your friends from photos and news feeds. Similarly, entertainment platforms like Netflix and Prime Video give many suggestions on what to watch next. This is done using an efficient content rating system that provides hundreds of metrics learning from the user’s previous monitoring history, this way the basic algorithms work well on the recommendation system. 


The banking sector has fully digitized with artificial intelligence. Today, we don’t have to stand in a long queue to withdraw money or transfer it to another account. Customers can initiate transactions without being present at the physical location as AI chatbots are automated to perform all the processes in digital banking. Banks seek the help of artificial intelligence chatbots to offer improved customer experience by enabling seamless and 24/7 customer interaction. From opening an account to making e-payments, the banking sector has become more convenient to users with the use of AI chatbots.  Banks implement different types of chatbots to assist with the middle-office functions in identifying and preventing fraud, improving the anti-money laundering (AML) process, and ensuring the Know Your Customer (KYC) regulatory checks process. This eliminates risk and facilitates a smooth banking experience for customers as well as for institutions. 

Google predictive search algorithm  

You might have noticed several suggestions automatically appearing on the screen before you finish typing what you are actually looking for. This is because of the autocomplete feature of google that predicts the search term by the characters you enter one by one. Google uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning to run prediction algorithms in order to make the searches effective.  


Why do people nowadays shift to online sites or apps to make purchases? This is because we can filter out what exactly we want to purchase using certain keywords and filters. For example, if you are looking for a white shoe, the site will show a collection of white shoes of different ranges. You can still filter using a price or pattern you prefer. It takes seconds or minutes only to get a choice of your interest. But how is that possible? This is made possible by the basic AI algorithms that routinely classify product searches for efficient cataloging. 

Wrap Up 

Artificial intelligence services are found to imitate human actions and logic, but that is not the end of it. Today AI transcends human understanding and reason and proves that it is profitable for everyone. The efficiency of machines when integrated with AI is more precise and efficient. They complete the tasks assigned in minutes, which can take days if a man does. This is why the use of AI has been not limited to any particular area, instead, it is made accessible to every human. From personalized digital assistants to self-driving automated cars, AI has covered a long journey along with mankind. 

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Mubarak MusthafaVP of Technology & Services at ClaySys Technologies

0 thoughts on “Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life

  1. I just want to say my hat is off to you sir, I had a hard time seeing just how AI would do anything for me/us in the real world on a daily basis.

    Reading this page has opened up my mine to see so much I wasn’t getting. So all I can say is don’t stop now, it looks like a whole new world is coming our way and i’m kinda excited to see it.

    Thanks Chris

  2. Hi, I am Venkata Panchumarthi. I read this article and it is very informative. I like the way you explained about the topic. Thank you so much for sharing all this wonderful info. It is so appreciated!!!

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