
Chatbot Automation: What Is It And Why Do You Need It?

Laxman Pednekar | Last Updated on : May 24, 2024

Chatbot Automation

What is chatbot automation?  

Chatbot, also known as chatterbot is a software application mainly employed by businesses to initiate a live conversation through text or speech-to-text instead of calling or talking to the human agent through the phone.

Chatbot systems are designed to demonstrate how a person behaves when engaged in a conversation and it usually requires constant tuning and testing. In short, chatbots gather the basic details and information to track the products they like the most, by interacting with customers. Website owners can save money, time, and effort they waste on landing pages by simply switching to AI-enabled chatbots that improve customer experience and satisfaction. Chatbots utilize artificial intelligence to understand the queries or requests of website users and test the basic logic model to generate the most precise response. 

Moreover, modern chatbots can collect all information related to the queries of the user by interacting with third-party applications and systems. Such interventions facilitate the promotion of products and services by prompting actions. Chatbots have been used in multiple platforms including Facebook, Twitter, other social media platforms, text messages, etc. but the main purpose remains unchanged – maintain an effective customer-company relationship through meaningful interaction. Here in this article, let us take a look into the major benefits offered by chatbots in many business areas.  

Benefits of chatbot automation 

It’s clear that AI-powered chatbots provide customer support, answer users’ questions instantly, and process requests with little-to-no human help. But have you ever thought of the benefits that chatbots offer to your businesses? There are many and some of the major benefits of deploying a chatbot are explained below: 

Target lead generation  

If a business uses an omnichannel marketing model, chatbots can be used to communicate customized messages with consumers across various platforms in order to create brand awareness and for the promotion of products. Chatbots also increase the possibilities by asking relevant questions and motivating them to submit an inquiry. 

24/7 customer support

Unlike human workers who take regular intervals during work, chatbots work relentlessly by interacting with the consumers, providing answers to common questions, assisting customers in various tasks 24/7. Moreover, bots with machine learning capabilities are constantly learning from customer interactions and over time begin to solve more challenging questions. 

Streamlining online payment services  

Chatbots can facilitate money transactions to provide improved experiences to the customers in payment services that have a chat-based interface. One of the best examples is WeChat which lets customers pay through the app in selected restaurants and shops. Recently PayPal has also introduced chatbots to initiate transactions. 

Cost-effective and less onboarding time  

Sometimes companies assign different duties to employees outside their area of specialization. This can frustrate other employees and may affect their productivity within the company, especially if they lack the appropriate training and skills required for the new position. Fortunately, companies can take advantage of AI-powered chatbots to speed up the onboarding process and save a huge cost, as all the information required for the new employees can be easily accessed and made available in one database. 

Self-learning capabilities  

Advanced chatbots are assisted with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, which means that they are constantly polishing their knowledge skillset to answer the questions they frequently deal with. It is clearly evident that AI-powered chatbots are capable of analyzing consumer behavior and learning from their experiences. Over time, they will be able to deal with intricate customer problems that usually need the mediation of an agent. 

Free from human errors  

The mistakes human workers make can be very serious and can cost a huge expense to the company itself. Collecting the wrong customer information, providing an inappropriate solution to customer queries can affect the image of the company. Automated chatbots are designed in a way to analyze the situation and give proper solutions to the concerns of customers. Chatbots are programmed with every relevant information to maintain accuracy. 

Guaranteed sales and marketing consistency  

When it comes to marketing and sales, time-bound communication follow-ups play a major role in making an actual difference. These automated chatbots deliver the promotional message to the customers and help them understand whatever the company is offering. 

Handling countless queries  

The major difference between a human customer agent and a chatbot is that an agent can deal with only one consumer at a time. Meanwhile, chatbots can handle various customer queries which not only reduces errors but also makes the communication effective. Minimal waiting time and fruitful interactions are possible with chatbots at the other end. 


Chatbots that support multiple languages. This makes it very helpful especially to businesses with global brands and consumers. The user can select the language in which they want to communicate and the chatbot will interact with the user in the selected language. Either the user chooses the language or the chatbot detects the language. This facilitates easy and smooth communication between the company and the customer. 

Endless patience  

A customer agent can lose their patience at some point in time but this is different with bots. The impatience of the agent and customer when solving a problem can be considered a human-related failure. Chatbots have great patience because of the way it is programmed, thus making it easy to solve issues.  

Wrap Up 

An uninterrupted chatbot is significant for an automated system. A smooth relationship between the customer and the company can be established by adopting a good communication strategy and chatbots are one of the best modern solutions for this communication crisis. Chatbots gives detailed and functional documentation of your customers’ biggest pain points, thus allowing your organization to improve products and services. If a chatbot responds correctly to initial questions and fails to lead complexities to a human agent, it results in the failure of providing a customer experience. Therefore, the chatbot you implement should be able to redirect a complex conversation to a human agent when it can’t find a solution. The essence of a customer-company relationship lies in communication between the two and chatbots are designed to serve the purpose of initiating an effective and smooth interaction with the customers.  

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Laxman PednekarTechnical Team Leader at ClaySys Technologies.

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