FAQ Repository

Standard Controls

Getting File Name from Data Source In the form include a FileUpload control and Select the particular files to that FileUpload control while setting up the datasource in the trigger of a button. While doing this we are getting that particular file inside the FileUpload control. Now on the trigger of the FileUpload control wri...Read More
There are two methods for getting date details (day,month,year,time) from the date time field. 1) Using SubString and StringReplace function Step 1 : Create a form with DateTimePicker control, 4 Text-boxes ,1 hidden control ,1 button as shown in the figure 1. ...Read More
Tab Control - Accord View The ‘Accord View’ is a view, were the items such as labels or thumbnails are listed in a vertically stacked mode. Each item can be "expanded" or "stretched" to reveal the content associated with that item. There can be exactly one item expanded at a time, depending on the configuration.When a but...Read More
Creating a repeating section in the form Introduction Step 1: Create a form as shown below, by dragging the control, External Form. Step 2: In the ‘Properties (General)’ section of the External form, click on the ‘Navigate Url’ and select the required forms from the ‘Navigation Form’...Read More
Border Control Theme A Theme is a quick and easy way to give a professional and modern look to a form or document. This property can be viewed in the AppForms too for the Border control. Create a form as shown below in-order to implement the property, ‘Theme’ for the Border control. In the ‘Designer’, drag the contro...Read More
To pass a value inside any control to an External you must first configure the forms accordingly. This is a sample demonstration to achieve this scenario. Create a form, which you need to configure it as an External Form. Here is an example. Drag and drop a text box control as shown below. Save and check in the form. Create a...Read More
How to Pass Values to an External Form? In ClaySys AppForms a user can pass value from a form to an External Form inside the form. For that we use the SetFormValue() function. Here we are demonstrating how to achieve this functionality. Create a form, drag and drop an External Form control from the Group tab under the Tool...Read More
User Profile WebService Configuration This example is using the User Profile Web service in SharePoint. Add the necessary controls into the form as shown below. Add a FormDataSource with WebService Configuration. Select the User profile web service data source Select the web method “GetUserProfileByName” in the ...Read More
Cascading Drop downs The Cascading Drop down Menu allows you to drill down through hierarchical data by using one drop down menu as a filter into the next. Step 1: Creating AppForm and creating SQL tables. I have configured below form to submit an on line application for the consultancy. When the user selects “Countr...Read More
Collection Controls - INNER JOIN-SQL Tables The INNER JOIN selects all rows from both tables as long as there is a match between the columns specified in the relationship tables. In the below example, we will be joining two SQL Tables namely, CustomerDetails & CustOrderDetails in order to list out all the orders completed by ...Read More
How to find selected check-box in a check-box group: Step 1 : Create a form with a check-box group ,two text-boxes, one button as shown in figure 1. Figure 1 Step 2 : On text-box 'txtJS' give the default value as return $("input[type='checkbox'] :checked",$ ("#CheckBoxGrpID")). length; Figure 2 Step 3:Wri...Read More
How to skip criteria when the data is empty in search Control? Steps: Create a custom list. Here we are demonstrating this example with a list having columns to enter the First Name, Last Name, and Date of Joining. You can notice that there are multiple names, either with a first name and last name or a first na...Read More
Aggregate Functions Aggregate functions perform a calculation on a set of values and return a single value. Except for ‘COUNT’, aggregate functions ignore all null values. All these functions are deterministic; hence they return the same value any time whenever called by using a specific set of input values. In ClaySys...Read More
Navigation from DynamicGrid from One Form to another Using HyperLink Form A Configuration Insert a Hyperlink in the Dynamic Grid control and a TextBox control in the form as shown below. Configure the hyperlink as shown below, Click on the button which is marked red in the image below to map values to the hyperl...Read More
SEARCH CONTROL WITH WEBSERVICE (ASMX) AS DATASOURCE Configure Search Control with Web Service: Drag and drop a Search control from the toolbox. Select the data source for Search control either through ‘Quick Menu’ or ‘Properties’ window. Select the data source as ‘Web Service’ from the drop down ‘Data ...Read More
Collection Controls - INNER JOIN-SQL Tables The INNER JOIN selects all rows from both tables as long as there is a match between the columns specified in the relationship tables. In the below example, we will be joining two SQL Tables namely, CustomerDetails & CustOrderDetails in order to list out all the orders completed by ...Read More
How can I join SharePoint Lists and read values? LIST INNER JOIN Drag a search grid into a form and edit the datasource from the designer part. Step 1 : Please select two lists from the Available lists. Step 2 : Select Columns from the both lists. Step 3: Add a searc...Read More
How to use image for certain conditions based on a cell value in Search grid? Steps: 1. Open the designer. 2. Drag and drop a search control. 3. In search control properties make the option "Search on all Rows" as true. 4. Drag and drop 2 text boxes. 5. Name the textbox1 as "txtGreen" and textbox2 as "t...Read More
How to disable control/column in a dynamic grid? Below are the steps to enable\disable controls in a Dynamic Grid based on the users Step 1: Drag a Dynamic Grid and configure it with three columns, namely A, B, C. Step 2: Using Text box control, Navigate to the text box control and uncheck the Style → Enable Property. ...Read More
Dynamic Grid complex column view DYNAMIC GRID – ROW SPLIT The Dynamic Grid feature in AppForms has been upgraded with a ‘Row Split’ feature as compared to the older build. This particular enhancement in the latest build of AppForms would facilitate the user to split a row in a dynamic grid based on its index (col...Read More

Data Source

Creating a SQL Server DataSource Creating the DataSource The below image gives the navigation links for the Admin user to reach different sections of the ClaySys AppForms. In the section Data Management, we have a link to go to the DataSource Settings, where we can create the different DataSources. The type of t...Read More
Aggregate Functions Aggregate functions perform a calculation on a set of values and return a single value. Except for ‘COUNT’, aggregate functions ignore all null values. All these functions are deterministic; hence they return the same value any time whenever called by using a specific set of input values. In ClaySys...Read More
SEARCH CONTROL WITH WEBSERVICE (ASMX) AS DATASOURCE Configure Search Control with Web Service: Drag and drop a Search control from the toolbox. Select the data source for Search control either through ‘Quick Menu’ or ‘Properties’ window. Select the data source as ‘Web Service’ from the drop down ...Read More
User Profile WebService Configuration This example is using the User Profile Web service in SharePoint. Add the necessary controls into the form as shown below. Add a FormDataSource with WebService Configuration. Select the User profile web service data source Select the web method “GetUserProfileB...Read More
Collection Controls - INNER JOIN-SQL Tables The INNER JOIN selects all rows from both tables as long as there is a match between the columns specified in the relationship tables. In the below example, we will be joining two SQL Tables namely, CustomerDetails & CustOrderDetails in order to list out all the orders completed by ...Read More
How can I join SharePoint Lists and read values? LIST INNER JOIN Drag a search grid into a form and edit the datasource from the designer part. Step 1 : Please select two lists from the Available lists. Step 2 : Select Columns from the both lists. Step 3: Add a search criteria. ...Read More
Configuring RESTful Web Service in ClaySys AppForms Click on the DataSource Settings tab under Data management, select the RESTful Web Service you want to configure into the form, here we are demonstarting this with a sample RESTful Web Service. Select the RESTful Web Service to configure with the form or y...Read More
Getting File Name from Data Source We have a document library with files uploaded. In the form include a FileUpload control and Select the particular files to that FileUpload control while setting up the datasource in the trigger of a button. This is shown below. ...Read More
How to Create an External SharePoint Data Source How to Create an External SharePoint Data Source Consider a scenario where you want to access the data stored in a List in another site. In ClaySys AppForms this can be achieved by creating an External SharePoint Data Source related to that SharePoint List. To creat...Read More
How to save List Templates Step 1 : on the right corner of the window click on settings. Figure 1 Step 2 : Click on 'Site settings' from the drop down menu , then we can see the following window appearing. Figure 2 Step 3 : Click on 'List template' option as shown in the above imag...Read More
Cascading Drop downs The Cascading Drop down Menu allows you to drill down through hierarchical data by using one drop down menu as a filter into the next. Step 1: Creating AppForm and creating SQL tables. I have configured below form to submit an on line application for the consultancy. When the user select...Read More

Functions and Rules

ClaySys AppForms - Save as PDF Step 1: Create a form as shown below. Figure 1: Designer Step 2:Set a rule as per the below mentioned syntax and append a trigger to it. Syntax: SaveAsPdf() Figure 2 Figure 3 Step 3: In the Form Preview, on clicking on the button, the pdf is opened in which the f...Read More
Send Email Send an Email This is a feature included in the AppForms to generate an email, so that the sender will receive that email as soon as the button is triggered and the entire form is also attached along with the mail in a pdf format. Step 1: Create a form as shown below in-order to show the ‘Send...Read More
How to save List Templates Step 1 : on the right corner of the window click on settings. Figure 1 Step 2 : Click on 'Site settings' from the drop down menu , then we can see the following window appearing. Figure 2 Step 3 : Click on 'List template' option as shown in the above image. And we can see 'List Te...Read More
How to use loop rules in the form Step 1 : Create a variable 'Vrow' which is used to count the loop. Click on 'Create variable' Option under Rule Picker From the left side of the Rule tab. Figure 1 Step 2 : Enter the Variable Name and click on 'Save Variable' button and after saving click on 'Close' button. Fig...Read More
How to navigate different forms based on a criteria Two options are available for form navigation .They are : 1. By using the rule ' LoadForm'. Step 1 : Create a form ' frmQADepartment ' with a label control in it as shown in figure 1. Similarly create forms for Development and configuration department respectively. ...Read More
How to pass values using button navigation Step1 Step2 Then create a new folder and then create a new form inside the folder you have created. Step3 Open the form and then drag and drop a text box and a button control to the form. Step4 To set the...Read More
How to attain split feature in SaveAsPdf()? Think of a situation where you are dealing with forms that include potential data and you need to save it your system. In ClaySys AppForms we have provision for saving the forms using the SaveAsPdf() function. A user can also set the page size and formats by using Me.PrintPageSi...Read More
How to Navigate in ClaySys AppForms using executeJavaScript function In ClaySys AppForms, We can navigate back to a particular site from an AppForm using executeJavaScript function. So a user can navigate away to a specified URL in a button click or value change or according to the trigger in the form. Here we are ...Read More
How to Configure a YES or NO MessageBox using pop up form In Claysys AppForms a user can add a message box with two types of button, either OK or OK/CANCEL. In rare cases there may be needs for users to add buttons with other values. Here we are demonstrating how you can add a message box with Yes or No Butt...Read More
How to generate Error Logs Open ClaySys AppForms. Click on Event Logs under Site Admin On the event log button, select the date and click on generate log : Logs will be generated and click on Download log button: Save the error logs: ...Read More
How to Pass Value from one form to another Form in ClaySys AppForms In ClaySys AppForms a user can pass values to a form to another form using the SetFormValue() Function. Here we are demonstrating how to implement this functionality in ClaySys AppForms. In order to pass values a user should have a minimum of two f...Read More
Dynamic Grid complex column view DYNAMIC GRID – ROW SPLIT The Dynamic Grid feature in AppForms has been upgraded with a ‘Row Split’ feature as compared to the older build. This particular enhancement in the latest build of AppForms would facilitate the user to split a row in a dynamic grid based on its index (col...Read More
Getting File Name from Data Source We have a document library with files uploaded. In the form include a FileUpload control and Select the particular files to that FileUpload control while setting up the datasource in the trigger of a button. This is shown below. ...Read More
Passing Values from a form to an External Form To pass a value inside any control to an External you must first configure the forms accordingly. This is a sample demonstration to achieve this scenario. Create a form, which you need to configure it as an External Form. Here is an example. Drag and drop a text box co...Read More
How to use image for certain conditions based on a cell value in Search grid? Steps: 1. Open the designer. 2. Drag and drop a search control. 3. In search control properties make the option "Search on all Rows" as true. 4. Drag and drop 2 text boxes. 5. Name the textbox1 as "txtGreen" and textbox2 as "t...Read More
How to find selected check-box in a check-box group: Step 1 : Create a form with a check-box group ,two text-boxes, one button as shown in figure 1. Figure 1 Step 2 : On text-box 'txtJS' give the default value as return $("input[type='checkbox'] :checked",$ ("#CheckBoxGrpID")). length; ...Read More

ClaySys AppForm Installation

Verify your SharePoint authentication with TMG authentication , please refer the URL below https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/gg430121(v=office.12).aspx To Add the Host name in HTTP 443 port , please use the following URL to enable the Host name please use the reference below h...Read More
After completing the activation it says your license has been updated, but it again takes me to same screen. Exception Details License page Again taking to license page even if license is updated Solution: ​Close the browser and browse to ClaySys AppForms again and check if the issues fixed or not...Read More
Object Reference Error when accessing ClaySys AppForms first time. Exception Details Object Reference Error Object reference set to an instance of object during tenant creation Solution: Check the date- time format for the SPServer with SQL Server. Check session is configured for the web app...Read More
How to enable the mobile version ClaySys AppForms Steps to follow to enable the mobile version ClaySys AppForms Open the web.config file in the application root. Add a safe control entry for mobile version to the web.config file as follows: ...Read More
Launch AppForms Designer in SharePoint 2013 Launch the Share point: Select AppForms from SharePoint settings drop down. ClaySys AppForm will be opened: ...Read More
How to find the AppForms version This document will explains about how we can find which version of the ClaySys AppForms that we are using. Then the ClaySys AppForms window will open. Click on top right corner question mark button. ...Read More

Issues and Exception

Session TimeOut Error Exception Details Session TimeOut. "Please refresh the page/Please refresh the page" is shown when user opens the ClaySys AppForms web part or list form the first time. Solution: Open IIS of each WFE server and select the site -> and select the module Once you double click on the modul...Read More
ClaySys AppForms Designer shows an error service is not activated Exception Details The requested service http://srdspd13/_vti_bin/claysyswebservices/manage.svc could not be activated. See the servers diagnostic trace logs for more information Solution: Check the anonymous authentication of the site. In share point ...Read More
System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. Exception Details System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldMap.GetColumnNumber(String strFieldName, Boolean bThrow) at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItemCollection.GetColumnNumber(Stri...Read More
NTLM Issue, expecting ntlm Exception Details NTLM Issue, expecting ntlm The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM' Solution Upgrade the ClaySys AppForms version to v3.5.1507.1001 or above...Read More
Invalid cross thread error when opening ClaySys AppForms Designer Exception Details Invalid cross thread error when opening ClaySys AppForms Designer Solution: Check for the extra binding in the IIS. Remove and check if its working . CHeck for multiple bindings enabled in SharePoint web.config ...Read More
AppForms working on some site and not working in other, with the same site collection: Exception Details ClaySys AppForms working on some site and not working in other in the same site collection Unexpected error or object reference error, Conversion failed etc Solution: ​Check the date time of the SP se...Read More
Service cannot be activated Exception Details Service cannot be activated An item with collection already exists Solution: Ensure the installation is done in all machines, and is installed on the WFE​. Check for multiple binding. Check back connection host name is added correctly in the registry.To...Read More
UnKnown Error when accessing ClaySys AppForms: Exception Details UnKnown Error An Unexpected error has occurred Solution: ​Check the connection string and web.config settings. Access the service in _vti_bin/claysyswebservices. if service has no issues check the connection string Check for the web a...Read More