How Does Computer Telephony Integration Helps Call Centers Perform Better

Computer Telephony Integration, also sometimes referred to as Computer-Telephone Integration is this modern-day technology that enables the coupling of computers and telephones so that they interact together. 

This technology is majorly adopted to facilitate a desktop-based interaction to help users in enhancing efficiency. In simpler terms, computer telephony integration can be described as the use of computers to manage and distribute phone calls. The term CTI is very broad in its ambit & applications and can be used for various kinds of functions. Call centers are one place where the adoption of CTI technology is rapidly picking up pace in the past few years. 

This article explores the usage and benefits of computer telephony integration in the context of call centers. All of the benefits listed below are proven to be monumental in improving the essential metrics of a call center, hence facilitating better performance.

Enhanced professionalism and associated customer perception

Using advanced technology such as CTI eases the overall process for the customers and gives a professional look to your brand thereby leaving a very strong first impression. The very initial phase of customer engagement, if handled right, makes all the difference for a brand. The integration of computer and telephone technologies helps to initiate a smooth service flow for the customer and also makes the work of the operator easy by many folds.

Automatic authentication and recognition of callers

Computer telephony integration in call centers helps in authenticating and recognizing callers through scanning databases quickly. This proves to be helpful to create priority-based lists and to know the names or previous queries (if any) of the caller when he reaches out to the call center. It goes without saying that if the operator can identify a previous customer without having to ask them all of the details again, that gives a sense of belongingness with the brand. This increased sense of belongingness brings peace to a customer’s mind and the call center’s performance improves substantially.

Better and smooth collaboration between different departments

Smart technologies such as the Computer Telephony Integration offer multiple features involving call transfers, teleconferencing, listening, and whispering, etc. These features enable operators to be prepared as to what kind of query is being put up by the customer. In this manner, the customer can be directed to the appropriate department without any confusion or unnecessary hassle. This substantially reduces the average wait time and call dropping rates when a customer reaches out to the call center.

Integration of all software for better performance

CTI is not merely about routing calls to appropriate departments; rather it also helps to integrate various technologies like conferencing, interactive voice response, automated number identification, etc. in order to improve the performance and efficiency of the venture. This integration helps in locating the problem quickly and in providing an adequate solution to it quickly by means of the available support.

Easy calling without the use of phones

With CTI, operators are empowered to send or receive all the required calls at the touch of a button, or even through voice commands, without having to pick up their phones every time. The computer takes care of all that for them. The various control options during calls like transferring, holding, muting, hanging up, etc. are also available in front of the operators right on their computer screens. This enables the operators to work faster towards disposing of the queries of the customer in an appropriate manner and minimizes any unnecessary waste of time in that process.

Reduced losses in operation

One of the major factors that lead to piling up unnecessary costs for a call center is the wait time and the subsequent dropping of calls. This not only leads to loss of business but also tarnishes the image of the brand and makes it a laughing stock in the industry. The main reason that this happens is that humans alone might not be as quick in finding a solution when you compare them to computers. With the help of Computer Telephony Integration, the abilities of a computer are put to use in combination with those of a human operator. This results in better performance and a smooth flow of work even if the call center is handling a high call volume at any given time. This helps in avoiding losses during operation by a substantial margin.

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10 Benefits of IVR in Contact Centers

Interactive Voice Response or IVR is a technology that facilitates interaction between humans and computer systems through voice or DTMF tones of a touchpad. IVR comes into the picture at the time of the very initial interaction between a customer and the host company. Here, the computer uses this technology to streamline the customers’ problems and direct them in the right direction before any human help steps in. 

The technology of IVR is used these days in a lot of areas ranging from banking, purchases, retail, travel, utilities, and multiple other services. Such customer engagement is brought about through the contact center services that a company establishes. Keep reading to explore the top ten benefits of having an Interactive voice response system in call centers.

Enhanced Perception of the Brand Itself

A very important part of having a strong brand image is the experience provided to the customers. IVR steps in at the very first stage of customer engagement where the customers try to convey their issues to the company for the first instance. Interactive Voice Response helps to build a strong and professional impression here by making the process easy and interesting for the customers.

Better Growth of the Contact Center in its Metrics

The deployment of Interactive Voice Response technology has helped contact centers in improving their metrics. These metrics include many factors like average answer speed, average handle time, rates of call abandonment, first call resolution, etc. IVR has helped contact centers to come out on the better side of these metrics.

Providing a Personalized Experience to the Customer

IVR provides an arrangement of “self-service” where even though the computer is directing a customer to the right place, the customer feels that he has been helping in solving the problem or at least half of it. This personalized experience leads to a better relationship building of a brand with its customers.

Easy and Quick Problem Solving

IVR detects the problem customer is facing and directs them to a particular department in the company. This ensures that the customer is in the ablest hands to get that particular problem solved, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.

Cost Reduction for the Company

In a calling arrangement where the receiving party has to pay for the call, companies should realize that every second that the customer spends on the phone is costing extra money. Optimization of the query handling time with help of IVR leads to better savings and cost reduction for the company.

Enhanced Productivity in the Workplace

In traditional methods of customer service, a lot of time had to be spent by the contact center operators to first figure out the problem and then to direct the customer to the right place. Now with IVR, all of this hassle is gone as more time is spent on solving the problem rather than figuring out where it exactly lies.

Increased Ability to Hold High Incoming Call Volumes

When IVR is used to direct callers, then a greater number of calls can be handled at the same time. Since customers transfer themselves in this arrangement, there is a decreased wait time for the callers and more number of calls can be answered at a time.

Be Able to Create Priority Based Lists of Callers

Interactive Voice Recognition Technology systems allow brands to organize calls on the basis of a priority list of customers. Integrating IVR with systems such as Automatic Call Distributors further increases the quality of customer experience when one dials into a contact center.

Monitor Better and Make Data-Driven Decisions

IVR helps to organize and record all kinds of data that the company can monitor to have better insights about the functioning. These insights can be used to make monumental improvements based on a lot of factors like customer preferences, commonly faced problems, rearrangement of the interface, and other such things. In these cases, knowledge derived from the data is very important to build oneself to the needs of customers.

An impression is What Matters

Small companies many times use IVRs to create an illusion for the customers that the company is larger than what it actually might be. The professionalism and the multiple options provided about various departments and such create a certain sense of awe and trust in the minds of the customer about the service that they will get.

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Global Rules

Global Rules

This blog highlighted the Global Rules link, that helps to create common rules for a tenant. These rules will be available in all the forms of a Tenant. To define a global Rule select “Global Rules” link from the left navigation menu of the tenant.

Global Rules window opens up.


Select “Create new global rule” to create a new global rule. Rule Name field shows” Global Rule” as default rule name. User can modify it to an appropriate name. “Edit global rule” option helps to edit any existing rules. Click on “Continue” button.
Global Rule Variables window opens.


Add the parameters and related descriptions.

Click on “Save” button to save the variable. We can add as many as variables and once finished click on “Done” button.

Global Rule page opens up.


Manage Rule

  • Create Rule link and the red push button help to create new rules.
  • Manage Parameters link will open into Global Rule Variables window.
  • Save Rule and Delete Rule options are for save and delete purposes.


Added rules will be listed under Rules section.

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Form Version History in ClaySys AppForms

ClaySys AppForms 1.0

ClaySys AppForms supports inbuilt form version history management. Each time you make a change to a form and publish it, a new version is created. The options available for the form version management are:

  • View History
  • Archival
  • Restore from Archived list
  • View historical form
    • Form View
    • Rules View
    • Detailed View
  • Rollback Version
  • Compare versions
    • Form View
    • Rules View
    • Detailed View

View History

Select the form history of which to be viewed. Click View History.
The Form History List window will be opened displaying the form history; latest descending.


Form History Archival and Restore from Archived list

Select the “View History” option from the context menu of the form which History is to be viewed. The Form History List window will be opened displaying the form history; latest descending.




Archive is a process of keeping away the different versions of a form, so that more hard disk storage can be made available, or for some other purpose. On clicking Archive, the “Archive Form Versions” window opens up.


The Number of versions to be archived can be entered. It should be always less than the “Version count”.



The Archived versions of the form can be restored with the help of restore. On clicking the Restore button, the “Restore Form Versions” window opens up. The version of the form to be restored can be done so by clicking the Restore button.

On clicking the Cancel button, the window closes.

View historical form

Form History View

Right click on a row and click View.

The View Forms window will be displayed.


Rules History View

Clicking Rules will display the rules that have been created for the form.


Zoom in and out by scrolling through – and +.

Detailed View

Clicking Details will display the Form History Document window that displays form details like new items, updated items and deleted items.


Rollback Version

If you want to roll back your form to the version being viewed, click Rollback button. Click OK in the confirmation window.


Compare versions

Use Compare to compare 2 versions of your form.

Select the 2 forms to be compared.

Right click on any form and click Compare.

The View Forms window will be opened displaying the comparisons of the 2 forms selected.

Form View


Rules View

Clicking Rules will display the rules that have been created for the form.


Detailed View

Clicking Details will display the Form History Document window that displays form details like new items, updated items and deleted items.


If you want to roll back your form to the version being viewed, click Rollback button. Click OK in the confirmation window.


Select Vertical to view the forms vertically.


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