What is Zero-knowledge cloud storage?
Zero-knowledge secures client data with encrypted access to it (therefore, the name Zero-knowledge or Zero Access). It assures that no one other than you can access your data with the same keys, not even the storage service you choose to keep the files.
There is always a possibility of a data leak when more people have access to confidential data. If it is in the hands of a single person, the possibility of data leakage is minimal. Many people do not even understand that a copy of your data or passwords will be saved somewhere whenever you sign up for a service. Your data might be safe but in theory, it is possible for anyone to get it.
If you decide to choose a zero-knowledge provider, you can be assured of one thing the accessibility to the data is restricted to you only. The main drawback of zero-knowledge is nothing but security itself. Once you forget the password there is no way to recover it, which means if the password is gone; it is gone permanently and there is no option to get it back.
How does zero-knowledge or private encryption work?
When we say private encryption is about security and it does not save copies of data, there should be a relevant explanation that states how that works. The technology behind this may seem complicated to first-time users and is still not clear to many long-term users. Zero-Knowledge Protocol ensures that no passwords have been transferred, that is, they cannot be stolen under any circumstance. This allows you to prove that you can share sensitive information with the other end of the communication without actually revealing it.
The term “zero-knowledge” is based on the fact that no secret information is exposed. In addition, one party (prover) can prove that the statement given to the other party (verifier) is correct, while the prover avoids passing on any information other than the fact that the statement is true. The math is kind of difficult, but it operates the same way other providers operate – you type the password, you get access and the only difference here is that – you forget the password, you can’t recover it. The essence of zero-knowledge proofs is that proving that a person has knowledge of certain information is trivial; the challenge lies in proving the possession of information without disclosing it.
The fact is that even if a government agent appears with a warrant, they only receive encrypted files. But if the same happens with non-private encryption, the providers have to reveal all the files and passwords to the authority. Zero-knowledge services cannot provide any customer details like passwords or files because they actually have zero knowledge regarding that because the data is encrypted using a password.
If there is an up, there is definitely a down. One of the main drawbacks of zero-knowledge services has already been brought to your attention. Here is another one: since the service offers you great security, it is comparatively slower than less secure services. This is not because of the private encryption feature it offers but because of the security measures it has like any other cloud service model.
Factors to be considered when choosing Zero-knowledge cloud storage
Well, here are some factors or reasons that you should look into, before choosing a zero-knowledge cloud service model:
No matter how many interesting features technology delivers, security will always remain the primary concern of clients and companies. Zero-knowledge cloud services offer security that no other services can give. There is only one way in and out and the key (passcode) to the way belongs to the owner only. If the key is lost, no one can break in, not even the owner.
Two-factor authentication
What if you have to transfer or share a file with someone? Zero-knowledge service helps you to share the file without compromising its safety. There is a feature called encrypted file sharing using SSL/TLS protocol so that your file will remain safe throughout the process. You can use a Zero Access Backend to share an encrypted file with someone. The user on the other hand can retrieve the original file by decrypting it using his own private key. This is called key wrapping.
User experience
The experience and satisfaction of the user while using a service determine the success of the service. If any service fails to give a good user experience, then the service should actually be out of service. An enjoyable and simple user experience is essential as it will enhance communication between the user and the cloud consulting service provider. An impulsive and easy-to-use interface is a plus point when evaluating the overall experience of a customer and a zero-knowledge service guarantees you the best user experience.
- No other service offers you the level of security zero knowledge offers when used properly.
- This architecture provides you with the required privacy as it does not share the password not even with the service provider.
- There is no need to panic about the data breach as it always remains encrypted.
Wrap Up
Data privacy and security are two important factors we all need while using technology and no service provider can completely offer them without any drawback. Here, in zero-knowledge cloud storage, what we get is private encryption. This is the strongest and most trustworthy ally we could ever get rather than an encrypted external hard drive. Don’t you think how great it is to store your data in a physical environment without being accessed by anyone other than you? After all, the only reason why you have to switch to zero-knowledge cloud storage doesn’t end with keeping your private photos safe, it is about fixing a security imbalance.
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