
When working for a large company, it’s hard to know everyone’s name, job title, room location and contact information such as phone number or email address. This employee template form is a solution to this, that’s capable of searching a database of employee names. When an employee is found, his or her name is displayed in a hyperlink that provides further information when clicked. In this template form, this template form not only manages the employee details, it is also lists the tasks and Annual Evaluations of each employee.

    • SharePoint 2013
  • Microsoft SQL 2014
Data Structure
Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as requested by other software applications which may run either on the same computer or on another computer across a network (including the Internet).

SQL Table
Table Name Column Name Data Type

EmployeeMaster Table is used to store the details of employees.

Created date
Modified date
ModifiedBy nvarchar(50)
Photo varbinary(MAX)
IsDelete nvarchar(10)
CreatedBy nvarchar(50)
SkypeID nvarchar(50)
HireDate date
Department nvarchar(50)
Status nvarchar(50)
ZipCode int
HomeTelephone nvarchar(50)
MobileNumber nvarchar(50)
Email nvarchar(100)
Address nvarchar(MAX)
City nvarchar(300)
State nvarchar(50)
FirstName nvarchar(50)
LastName nvarchar(50)
Prefix nvarchar(50)
Title nvarchar(50)
ID int
SQL Table
Table Name Column Name Data Type

Employee_TaskMaster Table is used to store the task assigned to each employee.

IsDelete bit
CreatedBy nvarchar(50)
Created date
ModifiedBy nvarchar(50)
Modified date
Subject nvarchar(MAX)
TaskDetails nvarchar(MAX)
TaskCompletionPercentage nvarchar(50)
StartDate date
DueDate date
Priority nvarchar(30)
Status nvarchar(30)
ID int
EmployeeID int
TaskOwner nvarchar(50)
AssignedTo nvarchar(50)
SQL Table
Table Name Column Name Data Type

Employee_Evaluations_Table is used to store the review details of each employee.

ModifiedBy nvarchar(50)
IsDelete bit
Created date
CreatedBy nvarchar(50)
Modified date
ID int
Subject nvarchar(MAX)
Evaluation nvarchar(MAX)
EmployeeID int
Design And Configuration
In ClaySys AppForms, Employee is used to know employee name, job title, room location and contact information such as phone number or email address. This template can be used for large companies to store employee details. Here, we are using DB as SQL for storing the employee details. A user can search for an employee and he can edit as well. Using this employee template, a user can Create New Employee, Delete/Update Employee details, Print details, assign task to employees and Sort the employee details based on the status.

List Of Forms Used
Name Functionality
EmployeeForm Form Design Rule Design ‘EmployeeForm’ is used to insert the new employee details.
Dashboard Rule Design ‘Dashboard’ form is used to display the details of employees saved.
EvaluationsPopup Rule Design ‘EvaluationsPopup’ form is used to insert/update the review of performance of each employee to the Evaluation table.
TasksPopup Rule Design ‘TasksPopup’ form is used to Insert/Update task which is assigned to each employee.
EmpSearch Rule Design ‘EmpSearch’ form is used to display employee details in a grid.
CardView Rule Design ‘CardView’ form is used to display employee details in a card view format.
CardViewFrm Rule Design ‘CardViewFrm’ form contains an external form which is used to call ‘frmEmpCardForm’.
frmEmpCardForm Rule Design ‘frmEmpCardForm’ contains three external form which is used to display employee details in card format.
frmEmployeeCard Rule Design ‘frmEmployeeCard’ contains the information of each employee.
EmployeeForm Form Design
Create Form

Folders are used to store and organize forms that have a logical association or relationship. To create a new form, click ‘New Folder’ button on the toolbar of the designer. On clicking the New Folder option, it will create a new folder and the name will be in the edit mode. You can type in the new name for the folder.

Rename Form

Then click on the ‘New Form’ link on the toolbar. Give an appropriate name for the form. Click ‘Save’ to save the form.

Publish Form

You can drag and drop controls to the form and format the styles easily. ‘Check-In Form’ to save the changes and publish to get the completed form for the end user to use. A form must be checked-out to make modifications while all aspects of the form can be examined while checked-in.

EmployeeForm Rule Design
Rule Name : SAVE | Trigger(s) : btnSave
Rule – Save

Insert/Update values to the Employee master table.

Rule Name : Selection | Trigger(s) : hdnID
Rule – Selection

Corresponding hdnID’s values Select from the Employee master table.

Rule Name : CancelRule | Trigger(s) : btnCancel
Rule – CancelRule

This rule used to Close the form.

Rule Name : ValidationsRule | Trigger(s) : btnSave
Rule – ValidationsRule

This rule used to check the validation.

Dashboard Rule Design
Rule Name : FORMLOAD | Trigger(s) : Formload

Sets the External Form Control value.

Rule Name : Load_ALL | Trigger(s) : hlbtnALL
Rule – Load_ALL

SetFormValue function is used to set the value to refresh the employee search, it loads all values from the employee table.

Rule Name : TaskRefresh | Trigger(s) : hdnTaskRefresh1
Rule – TaskRefresh

SetFormValue function is used to refresh the Task grid.

Rule Name : EvalRefresh | Trigger(s) : hdnEvalRefresh1
Rule – EvalRefresh

Set FormValue function is used to refresh the Evaluation grid.

Rule Name : DeleteEmp | Trigger(s) : btnDelete
Rule – DeleteEmp

This rule used to delete the employee details.

Rule Name : ExportToExcel | Trigger(s) : btnExport
Rule – ExportToExcel

Set FormValue function is used to save the search values to an Excel sheet.

Rule Name : Salaried | Trigger(s) : hlbtnSalaried
Rule – Salaried

Set FormValue function is used to set the value to refresh the employee search, it loads Salaried employees from the employee table.

Rule Name : Commision | Trigger(s) : hlbtnCommision
Rule – Commision

SetFormValue function is used to set the value to refresh the employee search, it loads Commision employees from the employee table.

Rule Name : Contract | Trigger(s) : hlbtnContract
Rule – Contract

SetFormValue function is used to set the value to refresh the employee search, it loads Contract employees from the employee table.

Rule Name : printForm | Trigger(s) : btnPrint
Rule – printForm

This rule used to execute PrintPage(), it prints the form.

Rule Name : Meeting | Trigger(s) : btnMeeting
Rule – Meeting

It is used to display a messagebox.

EvaluationsPopup Rule Design
Rule Name : Save | Trigger(s) : btnSave
Rule – Save

Insert/Update values to the Evaluation table.

Rule Name : ValidationsRule | Trigger(s) : btnSave
Rule – ValidationsRule

This rule is used to check the validation.

Rule Name : On_hdnID | Trigger(s) : hdnID
Rule – On_hdnID

Corresponding hdnID’s values get Selected from the Evaluation table.

Rule Name : Cancel | Trigger(s) : btnCancel
Rule – Cancel

This rule is used to close the form.

TasksPopup Rule Design
Rule Name : SaveRule | Trigger(s) : btnSave
Rule – SaveRule

Insert/Update values to the Task table.

Rule Name : ValidationsRule | Trigger(s) : btnSave
Rule – ValidationsRule

This rule used to check the validation.

Rule Name : SelectionRule | Trigger(s) : hdnID
Rule – SelectionRule

Corresponding hdnID’s values select from the Task table.

Rule Name : Cancel | Trigger(s) : btnCancel
Rule – Cancel

This rule used to close the form.

Rule Name : FormLoadRule | Trigger(s) : FormLoad
Rule – FormLoadRule

This rule is used to load form as default.

Rule Name : on_cmbAssigned | Trigger(s) : cmbAssignedTo , cmbOwnerName
Rule – on_cmbAssigned

This rule is used to validate if both the Owner and Assigned To are the same.

EmpSearch Rule Design
Rule Name : On_hdnSelectID | Trigger(s) : hdnSelectID
Rule – On_hdnSelectID

When a row is selected on the grid, corresponding details like Image, Address etc are displayed in the controls below the grid.

Rule Name : EvalRefresh | Trigger(s) : hdnEvalRefresh
Rule – EvalRefresh

Refreshes the Evaluation grid, when you Insert/Update to the Evaluation table.

Rule Name : TaskRefresh | Trigger(s) : hdnTaskRefresh
Rule – TaskRefresh

Refreshes the Task grid, when you Insert/Update to the Task table.

Rule Name : On_hdnTaskDel | Trigger(s) : hdnTaskDel
Rule – On_hdnTaskDel

This rule is used to delete the selected Task details.

Rule Name : On_hdnEvalDel | Trigger(s) : hdnEvalDel
Rule – On_hdnEvalDel

This rule is used to delete the selected Evaluation details.

Rule Name : EmpRefresh | Trigger(s) : hdnRefresh
Rule – EmpRefresh

Refreshes the Employee grid, when you Insert/Update to the Employee table.

Rule Name : ExportToExcel | Trigger(s) : hdnExportToExcel
Rule – ExportToExcel

This is used to save the employee search values to an Excel sheet.

CardView Rule Design
Rule Name : FORMLOAD | Trigger(s) : Formload

Sets the External Form Control value.

Rule Name : Load_ALL | Trigger(s) : hlbtnALL
Rule – Load_ALL

SetFormValue function is used to set the value to refresh the employee search, its loads all values from the employee table.

Rule Name : TaskRefresh | Trigger(s) : hdnTaskRefresh1
Rule – TaskRefresh

SetFormValue function is used to refresh the Task grid.

Rule Name : EvalRefresh | Trigger(s) : hdnEvalRefresh1
Rule – EvalRefresh

SetFormValue function is used to refresh the Evaluation grid.

Rule Name : DeleteEmp | Trigger(s) : btnDelete
Rule – DeleteEmp

This rule is used to delete the employee details.

Rule Name : hdnExportToExcel | Trigger(s) : btnExport
Rule – ExportToExcel

SetFormValue function is used for saving the search values to an Excel sheet.

Rule Name : Salaried | Trigger(s) : hlbtnSalaried
Rule – Salaried

SetFormValue function is used to set the value to refresh the employee search, it loads Salaried employees from the employee table.

Rule Name : Commision | Trigger(s) : hlbtnCommision
Rule – Commision

SetFormValue function is used to set the value to refresh the employee search, it loads commision employees from the employee table.

Rule Name : Contract | Trigger(s) : hlbtnContract
Rule – Contract

SetFormValue function is used to set the value to refresh the employee search, it loads Contract employees from the employee table.

Rule Name : Print | Trigger(s) : btnPrint
Rule – Print

This rule is used to execute PrintPage(), it prints the form.

Rule Name : Meeting | Trigger(s) : btnMeeting
Rule – Meeting

It is used to display a messagebox.

CardViewFrm Rule Design
Rule Name : On_hdnSelectID | Trigger(s) : hdnSelectID
Rule – On_hdnSelectID

When a row is selected on the grid, corresponding details like image, address etc are displayed in the controls below the grid.

Rule Name : EvalRefresh | Trigger(s) : hdnEvalRefresh
Rule – EvalRefresh

Refreshes the Evaluation grid, when you Insert/Update to the Evaluation table.

Rule Name : TaskRefresh | Trigger(s) : hdnTaskRefresh
Rule – TaskRefresh

Refreshes the Task grid, when you Insert/Update to the Task table.

Rule Name : On_hdnTaskDel | Trigger(s) : hdnTaskDel
Rule – On_hdnTaskDel

This rule is used to delete the selected Task details.

Rule Name : On_hdnEvalDel | Trigger(s) : hdnEvalDel
Rule – On_hdnEvalDel

This rule is used to delete the selected Evaluation details.

Rule Name : EmpRefresh | Trigger(s) : hdnRefresh
Rule – EmpRefresh

Refreshes the Employee grid, when you Insert/Update to the Employee table.

Rule Name : ExportToExcel | Trigger(s) : hdnExportToExcel
Rule – ExportToExcel

This is used to save the employee search values to an Excel sheet.

Rule Name : EvaluationEdit | Trigger(s) : hdnEvalEditID
Rule – EvaluationEdit

When a row is selected on the Evaluation grid, corresponding details will be shown in a popup which needs to be edited.

Rule Name : TaskEdit | Trigger(s) : hdnTaskEditID
Rule – TaskEdit

When a row is selected on the Task grid, corresponding details will be shown in a popup which needs to be edited.

Rule Name : On_FormLoad | Trigger(s) : Formload
Rule – On_FormLoad

Loads the form as default.

Rule Name : FilterType | Trigger(s) : hdnFilterType
Rule – FilterType

SetformValue to the external form hidden control.

frmEmpCardForm Rule Design
Rule Name : Selection | Trigger(s) : hdnSelectID
Rule – Selection

Corresponding hdnID’s values are selected from the Employee master table.

Rule Name : editRule | Trigger(s) : hlbtnEdit
Rule – editRule

This rule is for edit. A popup will be shown and selected corresponding ID’s values can be selected.

Rule Name : SelectionRule | Trigger(s) : hlbtnSelect
Rule – SelectionRule

SetformValue to the external form’s hidden control.

frmEmployeeCard Rule Design
Rule Name : FormLoad | Trigger(s) : FormLoad
Rule – FormLoad

Fills the hidden search control and sets the count of external forms and loads it.

Rule Name : SelectRepeat | Trigger(s) : hdnRefresh
Rule – SelectRepeat

Sets each external form’s values and selects corresponding values.

Rule Name : ExportToExcel | Trigger(s) : hdnExportToExcel
Rule – ExportToExcel

This is used to save the hidden employee search values to an Excel sheet.

Rule Name : FilterRule | Trigger(s) : hdnFilterType
Rule – FilterRule

This rule loads form as default like FormLoad.

Template Summary
The employee template form can be used for storing employee details. This is also capable of searching a database of employee names in an organization. When an employee is found, his or her name is displayed in a hyperlink that provides further information when clicked. This template form not only manages the employee details, it also lists the tasks and Annual Evaluations of each employee.