Link a Search grid column to files saved in the DataBase using AppForms
Aravind Nallasivam | Last Updated on : May 24, 2024
- Select the SQL Server datasource and click next to load the list of tables in the database. I selected a sample database with a table where we have stored the files.
- Selected the table with the file column and clicked next. I selected “dbo.FileUpload_Test” table.
- All the columns in that Table will be listed. Select the columns except the column from which we retrieve the file content. The selected columns will be displayed in the search grid.

- While selecting the result columns for search grid, do not select the column For eg: In the above search configuration the file content resides in “File_Content” column in DB. So while selecting the result columns I did not select that column. Instead I am going to retrieve the data from that column through “File_Name” column. For this File upload configuration concept introduced.
- Add criteria. Next.

- If more than one tables selected, add the relation. Currently I selected only one table. So no need to give Relationship. Click Next.
- In Search Result configuration screen, select the column DataType as “FileDownload”. An icon
appears next to that column. Click on that.

- A window opens.
- Select the mode in which the file gets downloaded. I select the second option (SQL).
- Select a value in “File Name Column”. I selected “File Name”. The intention is that when click on this column the file should be downloaded.
- Select the SQL Server datasource and click next to load the list of tables in the database. I selected a sample database with a table where we have stored the files.
- Select a Table/Stored Procedures. Filter option is used for searching purpose.

- Select the Result column. This should be the column from which we want to retrieve the file content. I selected File Upload1.

- Add criteria. We can add as many as criterion’s.

- Finish. The window closes.
- Finish the configuration.

Below screen shows how this feature shown in CRM.

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